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Shuffling NPCs

It's been so long I can't remember but...

In BG2 when you want to switch up a party member for a while you can usually send them back to the Copper Coronet. What do the NPCs in BG1 do if you remove them, do they just stand in the place where you kick them out forever? Do they despawn?


  • MitchellMitchell Member Posts: 28
    Yeah, unfortunately, they just stand in the spot where you kick them out (or rather, the spot next to where you're standing, since they come up and talk to you when you do it). The ability to send NPCs to specific locations is one of the only features that I feel is really lacking in the Enhanced Edition.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited December 2012
    It varies from character to character unfortunately. Some will stand in place forever, others will indeed leave forever. Usually the ones who leave forever are the pissy, wah wah sort if that helps any. (But even *they* can surprise you by being reasonable. Shar-Teel is a huge jerkface but actually gets all sentimental and positive about your time together if you boot her) If you boot Edwin he gets offended, for instance, and disappears.

    If you need to consider things, while it's not exactly a great method, you can always save, boot everyone out individually and observe what happens. Then reload your old game and go on playing.

    That said, the new characters (Rasaad, Neera, Dorn) will all hustle to the Friendly Arm Inn.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I had no trouble leaving Edwin behind. Rasaad goes back to Nashkel.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    You can always put said NPC in an abandoned house on their own in Beregost for example, then boot them and they won't be able to walk up to you and potentially leave forever since they can't leave that map on their own accord. Silly NPCs.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited December 2012

    You can always put said NPC in an abandoned house on their own in Beregost for example, then boot them and they won't be able to walk up to you and potentially leave forever since they can't leave that map on their own accord. Silly NPCs.

    I did something similar to that in BG2. I would use the MoveToArea cheat to send the NPC to a level I wouldn't be visiting for a while (I usually picked Saradush). I sent them alone and put them in the Saradush tavern or some other prominent building and then removed them from my party. Since I didn't have any other party members in the level they would be stuck there. I remember in one game in which I had been using the ctrl q cheat rather rampantly, there were over 20 NPCs marooned in the Saradush tavern before I actually arrived in Saradush as part of the normal game. They would just stand there as neutral characters, even if my party later walked by them and they would not ask to leave unless I clicked on them.
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