Creative uses of Charm Person?

Hi - in BGEE Safana comes with the more interesting (and more appropriate) Charm Person innate ability, instead of Charm Animal, I'd like to make the most of this (she's in my evil-oriented party), can anyone suggest some creative uses of Charm Person? If what you're suggested is a spoiler, please tag it as such, though,. Thanks!
Use it in the bandit tent, the iron throne battle. Heck any battle where you are fighting humanoids
Good idea to reduce their saves with Doom etc. first.
BTW why is it useful to Charm Nimbul (or even Silke), as he attacks in his own, so it's not like you can get him to attack someone else?
You can have Charmed spellcasters cast their spells at squirrels or what not. Seriously. This is fun.
It's been many years since I played, and I'm just getting reacquainted with the game's nuances. But I distinctly remember that it was possible access the Charmed target's spell bar at the bottom of the screen, and have them change weapons to just fist.
You can also basically set the Charmed enemy up for a massive onslaught. Thief behind him or her prepared to backstab. Mages training disabling spells on the target. The enemy facing and/or flanked by buffed up tanks chomping at the bit to wail away. It depends on what resources you have.
Once you attack the Charm spell ends. But the target is at such a grave disadvantage that they often don't stand a chance.