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Black Pits - intro movie & storyline (possible minor spoilers)

So due to my shabby intergrated Intel graphics card im not able to view the game cinematics probarly, although gameplay generally runs fine.

Since i can't view the intro, I'm curious as to what gets covered in the intro movie of the Black Pits. What's the storyline?
Because when i start a Black pits campaign, I get dumped in the middle of the action, without knowing how I got there and what happened shortly before.

Can anyone here enlighten me? Thanks.


  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    edited December 2012
    The intro doesn't really say much more than what you get to know: you got captured by a drow mage and put to fight things in his pit. That's basically all there is to say of the matter.

    What happened before does not seem to be relevant.
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