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Anyone managed to acquire a refund yet?

Just requested one due to the absurd number of crashes I'm having when trying to exit to another map area.

Just wondered if anyone had requested a refund for similar reasons and got one?



  • DaveG_LeedsDaveG_Leeds Member Posts: 12
    Just to answer my own question - I got a refund today by requesting one through Paypal. Good luck to anyone doing the same and good luck to those persevering while this bad boy gets patched up.
  • RenulanRenulan Member Posts: 109
    They'll probably have it patched soon, sorry it wasn't working for you.
  • DaveG_LeedsDaveG_Leeds Member Posts: 12
    Me too - I was really looking forward to it. Might come back at a later stage when all is sorted.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    You could just wait a while for patches.

    The game works ok for me. Crashes occur only when I want them to do so (I sometimes like to break games and experiment with them) :P
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