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Level/Exp Cap???

khamankhaman Member Posts: 4
I made a thread about this yesterday and apparently it was deleted? Is it taboo to ask what the level/exp cap is? I can't find the info anywhere i've looked. Does anyone know what the cap is?
Post edited by Medillen on


  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    I don't think it was deleted, but a lot of threads are being merged because the same questions keep popping up.

    Answer: It's an XP cap: 161k XP.
  • khamankhaman Member Posts: 4
    Thanks! How does dual classing affect the cap? If I gain 10,000 XP with a char and then dual class, does their XP counter start over? Or are they only able to gain 151,000 xp?
  • AsthnerAsthner Member Posts: 83
    From what I’ve tested in the Black Pits, dual classing doesn’t work as means of effectively doubling the XP cap for a character. One character can only get a fixed amount of experience in total, single class or not. :(
  • TannerTanner Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2012
    Same behaviour as the original games. Blame the AD&D rules, not the game! ;) But Dual classing is already powerful enough.
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    @khaman You have a total of 161k XP. You can divide those among your classes however you wish (dualclassing) or equally (multiclassing).

    @Asthner The Black Pits is a special case, as they have a level cap of 10, rather than an XP cap. That comes with a couple of interesting things, like a singleclass thief being able to advance to level 10, but a Fighter/Thief multiclass advancing up to level 9/11.
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    Lvling preparation ? :'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts

    all set, up to ToB.. thac0/proficiencies points/number of attacks/xps, and so on.. :)
  • MedillenMedillen Member Posts: 632
    This is a question, and not a bug report. Therefore I'll move the topic in the appropriate section. :)
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