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change default difficulty to core and make monsters walk faster.

The vanilla BG had single difficulty, core if I remember correctly. The default difficulty should be core to replicate that. Having normal as default encourage most people to play on that difficulty and it's not the same as the original experience.

Also PC's walking speed is 10 in BG2 compared to 5 in BG1. This increase in PC walking speed makes the game too easy, as you can use one character to lure monsters and shoot with the rest. The walking speed of ALL monsters should be boosted by 5 so they can catch up and provide a similar difficulty of vanilla BG1.

As of now it's TOO easy compared to vanilla BG1.


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The speed of creatures has been adjusted to be comparable to the PC's speed. Some creatures have even been made faster, in fact (who ever heard of a "slow bear"? Honestly!).

    I can't speak to the difficulty setting, except that AI has also been improved, which should make certain encounters more challenging. If you want to increase the difficulty, you always can.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    This game actually fixes all the problems that existed in tutu due to slower walking speeds on stuff like bears and sword spiders.
    The monsters that were slow before are still slow now. Sometimes the speed of a creature is thier intended weakness.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    And sometimes, like with bears, their original slowness has been fixed so that they're now just about as fast as you wouldn't want them to be. I'm staying away from bears forever now.
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