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Dorn: Have I blown it?

Okay, so having decided to do an evil runthrough as I never really did that in the original BG my blackguard met Monty & Xzar on the road outside Candlekeep and decided to go straight south with them to Nashkel, missing out on the Friendly Arm Inn for the time being for a variety of reasons.

I always intended on picking up Dorn and having a part of Charname, Monty, Xzar, Kagain, Dorn & Tiax. But having cleaned out the mines and heading back up to the FAI to deal with the bandits, Dorn is no-where to be seen. Have I lost out on the opportunity to pick him up?

If so, I reckon this is another hideous oversight on OH's part. What made the BG series so pioneering was it's place among the first RPGs to open up the world and push the non-linear format. For the 'enhanced' edition to railroad you into doing things in the 'canon' order if you want to enjoy the new content is just retarded.


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    oh god, the title of this thread...
  • LilarcorLilarcor Member Posts: 16
    Lol. Well spotted. British slang doesn't translate well to the filthy-minded internets.
  • EuryalesEuryales Member Posts: 5
    Your first meeting with Dorn maybe at the Friendly Arm Inn, but if its anything like my play through, you cant recruit him at that point. Another event needs to happen first, which I am unsure if it is random or if it is whilst travelling to a certain location towards the SE corner of the map. Even then I did not select him, but afterwards he was back at the Friendly Arm and you could recruit from there henceforth.

    Hope that helps, without giving too much away.

    And yes, the title of the thread is a ripper, however is it more or less so when I consider I put the Fem/Masc girdle on my Dorn..
  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225
    edited December 2012
    Lilarcor said:

    Okay, so having decided to do an evil runthrough as I never really did that in the original BG my blackguard met Monty & Xzar on the road outside Candlekeep and decided to go straight south with them to Nashkel, missing out on the Friendly Arm Inn for the time being for a variety of reasons.

    I always intended on picking up Dorn and having a part of Charname, Monty, Xzar, Kagain, Dorn & Tiax. But having cleaned out the mines and heading back up to the FAI to deal with the bandits, Dorn is no-where to be seen. Have I lost out on the opportunity to pick him up?

    If so, I reckon this is another hideous oversight on OH's part. What made the BG series so pioneering was it's place among the first RPGs to open up the world and push the non-linear format. For the 'enhanced' edition to railroad you into doing things in the 'canon' order if you want to enjoy the new content is just retarded.

    It should still be more than possible to get him.
    Go to Friendly Arm Inn. Dorn is on the ground floor of the inn, the same floor Jaheira and Khalid are on. Talk to him, but he won't join you. Then head back to the Nashkel Mines map--that should trigger the scene where Dorn joins up.

    Though I should note that the original Baldur's Gate was very linear... you could do side-quests out of order, but the main quest line was absolutely linear.
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  • RenulanRenulan Member Posts: 109
    You have to initiate dialogue with him (at FAI) and then head straight to Nashkel Mines. Won't work otherwise.
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122

    you need to go to Friendly Arms to meet Dorn, but then to recruit him there is 'waylaid by enemies' event on the way from Nashkell to the Mines. No clue what happens if you don't do this in this particular order (e.g. when will Dorn show up if you complete mines before visiting FAI)
  • MagykMagyk Member Posts: 11
    Actually, in one of my playthroughs (before I restarted), I hadn't talked to Dorn at FAI, but I still got the ambush encounter with him...
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    No, you're not quite there yet dorn, keep on pounding away, ooooh yyyeeeaaaa!!!!
  • LilarcorLilarcor Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2012
    Hmm, nope. He's no-where to be seen. Neither are Khalid & Jaheira but ethically speaking, let's just say we're past that point.

    Lotta issues gonna get worked out in this thread.
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