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Help, can't get BELOW the Gnoll Stronghold

Okay, I played this game several times in the course of my life, but I absolutely can NOT figure out how to get to the bottom portion of that map this go 'round.

Please, someone smack me on the head and point me in the right direction. Is it another map I need to enter from (although I've tried them all), is it just a pathway that I am failing to see? What? I've exhausted all kinds of google searches trying to find the answer...

Just to clarify; I don't need to get the mage girl from the stronghold, I need to get into the caves BELOW the stronghold.



  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    When you cross the bridge, keep taking the southern forks. There's a point where the path goes behind a rock formation; just keep going, and you'll get there.
  • TeahlTeahl Member Posts: 26
    Gah really? I've tried finding paths there, but my party is too stupid to find it on their own, plus apparently I am continuously failing my own personal perception checks.... ;)

    Thank you! I'll try finding it next time I'm on.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Yeah, literally down a slop just east of the bridge.
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    Teahl, don't feel bad. That is a quite confusing map. And the sometimes poor pathfinding only makes it harder.
  • TeahlTeahl Member Posts: 26
    Bah I found it. Rock jutting up in front of the path, I thought it was a dead end.

    Thanks guys, thank you Komarr. :)
  • TwitchyTwitchy Member Posts: 2
    Same thing happened to me, I finally realized that it wasn't a dead end too...
  • TeahlTeahl Member Posts: 26
    Ha isn't that a tricky rock?
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    ajwz said:

    Yeah, literally down a slop just east of the bridge.

    Just WEST of the bridge ;-)
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