New Baldurs gate Game or forgotten realms game.

Id like to see new Bg or some kind of Forgotten realms D&D game after these Enhanced editions of BG1 and 2.
of course it would be nice to see them with the LEGENDARY infinity engine without any stupid fancy 3d graphics
like most of these days gamers are after.
I just like to see a good and intense story.
of course it would be nice to see them with the LEGENDARY infinity engine without any stupid fancy 3d graphics
like most of these days gamers are after.
I just like to see a good and intense story.
No seriously, i miss isometric games like Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale and Fallout, but this year may be the end of the end of isometric rpgs, with BG:EE being released, Baldurs Gate II and Wasteland II being worked on. Dragon Age, being Baldur's Gate's spiritual successor, didn't live up to my expectations, even though Origins was a blast in terms of NPC interjection; but as good as DA:O was, DA2 turned out to be the epitome of what I despise in new RPGS, flashy fancy button mashing with poor/mediocre story telling.
"If you hit a button, something awesome has to happen"
keep up the good work trent, you guys are on the right path
cheers geselle
“Much ostentation vain of fleshly arm.” Milton.
I'm usually a stingy dwarf, but quality deserves to be rewarded!
What I really want to see is a Planescape remake. That game was so original while still feeling extremely familiar. The first playthrough of that was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever.
As @TrentOster said... the only bad thing is, in game business, love for the creation is not enough, the financial part is important too. There is a risk that not many people want to buy these types of game anymore. But I think BG has a fan base big enough to live (at least) from it, and judging from Grimrock there are people looking for "old style games". It is a pity when a project has to change it's essence because the market demands it, (and most studios do change to follow mainstream). With this great (independent?) team BG will be an exception and continue (in Trent's words) a good RPG.
I don't have many doubts that, were bioware... or actually EA developing BG:EE (or any other BG) my expectations would be much lower!
When that happen, i will make what advertisment i can here on Brasil sites/forums of RPG, i hope ppl do the same in their respective countries, and based on the number of visits and registrations this forum get, we will have an slight idea of the actual repercussion of BG:EE even before the game is launched.
They can play with the news too, and send the new infos about BG:EE in articles to sites like Metacritic, gamespot and etc even before post that in the official site (what make the info more valuable as is an exclusive article). An agreement with gamefaqs would be nice also, before any marketing of the game is done, put an exclusive poster on gamefaqs main page can call some curious looks to the game.
@DamageInc: i agree, planescape is one of crown achievements in gaming history. i saw few twits from trent telling they are looking to enhance it. that game could sure use some serious rework of combat system and ui. it had the best looking spell icons (and effects) in my opinion though...
Best. Spell. Ever.
Do feel kinda bad for that poor Thug though...
i've yet to see high level spells feel epic like this ones. damn, nostalgia sure hits hard... :')
Another Planescape game would be great, but with Torment to match, the bar may be set too high for it to be even feasible (and even if it was feasible, I don't see many devs out there willing to take up the challenge: living up to a game like Torment is a gargantuan feat - and that's a gargantuan understatement if we consider the average modern game synopsys).
Seriously I'm a buyer of these for as long as you keep putting them out...I am NOT alone either...
Though, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind a Spelljammer campaign either. I mean, I have never played Spelljammer, it doesn't seem too widely known, yet the concept seems kinda kewl (also, wasn't it the setting that inspired the creation of the Planescape cosmology in the first place?). Yeah, a 2D isometric Spelljammer game with AD&D rules and an epic story like Baldur's Gate (or even like Ps:T, so long as BG-like gameplay is retained) would rule.