Help pls

well... so i downloaded the game, rolled a character... a few actually (archer roll 97 on fourth roll! plus avenger roll 90 after ten minutes or so and swashbuckler roll 92 after ten minutes rolling).
with archer and avenger i made it to FAI and ... got bored
with swashbuckler i made it to Nashkel mines and starting to get bored again...
What am i doing wrong? Is it too easy for me now? I'm playing on Core rules. My characters are powerful but not gimped in any stat. I'm trying not to move ahead with the XP too much (e.g. not going to rescue Melicamp just at the beginning, or killing Shoal for 5k XP).
So what am i doing wrong? How come i'm getting bored? SHould i try a solo challenge or what? Not considering putting difficulty higher as this does not improve AI.
with archer and avenger i made it to FAI and ... got bored

with swashbuckler i made it to Nashkel mines and starting to get bored again...
What am i doing wrong? Is it too easy for me now? I'm playing on Core rules. My characters are powerful but not gimped in any stat. I'm trying not to move ahead with the XP too much (e.g. not going to rescue Melicamp just at the beginning, or killing Shoal for 5k XP).
So what am i doing wrong? How come i'm getting bored? SHould i try a solo challenge or what? Not considering putting difficulty higher as this does not improve AI.
This isn't to say the game itself is too easy, it's just that we've played it so many times.
My party for Avenger totaled at Imoen (but i got only to FAI), for Archer (yes she was powerful having THACO 14 right after leaving Candlekeep) it was also including Xzar&Montaron. Also made it to FAI only (cleared all areas on the way).
For Swashbuckler (playing evil) i've taken on Ajantis (crazy i know as he's a paladin but i intend to kill him later on as a roleplay thing), Khalid & Jaheira, Xzar and Montaron, Kivan, Imoen (i know you're counting and it's above 6 teammember at this moment - thing is i decided not to ressurect, so who dies, dies. Khalid, Montaron, Xzar are already dead, Imoen i exchanged for Kivan), picked up Neera and Dorn. So now it's me, Dorn, Ajantis, Kivan, Jaheira, Neera.
I completely missed Edwin, Mincs, Garrick (killed Silke though) as my party is already full.
I think it would be smarter to pick only one new NPC for a playthrough (so either Dorn or Neera or Rasaad, never two at a time). I already missed that.
Good comment @ajwz to wander off a bit, i'll try that. But as my Swashy is already ruined for that (progressed too much) i'll need to start again :P (we had a thread here about starting the game like 100 times and finishing only a fraction of that...
Also @stygga good point not to overpower my party. I do like ma main char to be powerful badass however