GameBanshee exhaustive review of Baldur's Gate Enhanced

I just thought it might be worth it to share this here.
The guys at Gamebanshee are usually known to know what they are talking about when it comes to old cool RPG (they are one of the main sources for all the reviews/walk through/manuals for the IE games after all). This review is a complete and well informed comparison with the old Baldur's Gate.
Much more informed than the other reviews from Ipad websites, or Big corporate reviewers (IGN, gamespy...) where you clearly see that the authors have only played Mass Effect and dragon age.
AND PLEASE : moderators, do NOT merge this post with the other reviews thread : 2 reason :
1. Ipad reviews and PC reviews should be clearly separated (obvious reason)
2. This review is one of a kind in terms of quality (it does not compare to uninformed reviews like the gamespy one) and shouldn't be put in the same basket. It's not even a matter of subjectivity, Gamebanshee are one of the authorities when it comes to old school rpg.
The guys at Gamebanshee are usually known to know what they are talking about when it comes to old cool RPG (they are one of the main sources for all the reviews/walk through/manuals for the IE games after all). This review is a complete and well informed comparison with the old Baldur's Gate.
Much more informed than the other reviews from Ipad websites, or Big corporate reviewers (IGN, gamespy...) where you clearly see that the authors have only played Mass Effect and dragon age.
AND PLEASE : moderators, do NOT merge this post with the other reviews thread : 2 reason :
1. Ipad reviews and PC reviews should be clearly separated (obvious reason)
2. This review is one of a kind in terms of quality (it does not compare to uninformed reviews like the gamespy one) and shouldn't be put in the same basket. It's not even a matter of subjectivity, Gamebanshee are one of the authorities when it comes to old school rpg.
And yeah, this guys do know about what they are talking. True Fans are always right!
ended in a discussion about if there is a fixed zoom level you can not skip when playing
You can disagree with them,,but they covered EVERY single new feature of this enhanced version.
Saying those 3 pages cover every single new feature of this enhanced version, is just not true. And I suspect the review author would agree with me on this.
And there's no shame in it.
And apparently I don't know how to embed URLs. That review is here:
It's pretty good.
In fact, I'd say most of the legitimate reviews I see these days come from blogs or gamefaqs or Amazon--places where the actual reviewer isn't writing the thing to make money off Internet traffic.
I have bought the EE but i really do not play it, but i will take a look again at the EE in about one Year. If they perhaps have added a higher res gui and changed the zoom completly user controllable then i am willing to play it, if not, then the Delete Keyboard Button will hit the EE directory and i will remember that spent money as a warning sign and give up gaming again completly like the countless years before the release of the EE
But with all those kickstarter project that will begin to pop up after one year, I'm not even sure. I will vastly prefer Project eternity (or wasteland) to this EE. Especially considering that the project eternity staff really worked on infinity games. Trent Oster doesn't tell the truth when he said he worked on infinity game, I took a look and apparently he was simply a production manager for BG1 (he didn't took part in the creative concept at all). He didn't even took an active part in any other IE games.
But who knows, We should also give Beamdog/Overhaul a fair chance to proove that they can do something right.. with enough time!
The 3 new NPC's they add are uninspired jokes : One Mary Sue, One Kawaii Desu Moe girl and one mass effect style vessel for a gay romance.
The cinematic are also very ''new gen'' with cheap motion style comic and cheesy ''intense'' animation/pace. And a ''dark'' feeling to make it look ''mature''. And the new environment/level don't even compare to the beauty BG serie had got us used to : Ust natha, Trademeet...
Overhaul failed hard when it came to creativity.
For me, today, the real RPGs studios are Obsidian, InXfile and CD project Red (the ones who are closely associated with GOG btw). Bethesda could also get a mention for their effort to keep the old school formula even after growing so big. Overhaul is a joke.
And you seem to be reaching for (and failing to grasp) the word "cliche" when talking about the characters. It's like you somehow expect a fantasy RPG, or a story of any sort, not to use certain archetypes. Beamdog is not the problem here... you are the problem for holding BGEE to standards that quite literally no other game ever made could live up to.
They aren't on the same level of personality and originality as Minsc, Edwin, xzar, xan, jan jansen... Those at least had strong personalities. They weren't just psycho on the surface, like those ''new gen'' insecure NPC.