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[Request] Mouse wheel function on mouse over

When using the mouse wheel it will only scroll on the main window which is open, would nice if it scrolled any field which was moused over.


  • ShnizmuffiNShnizmuffiN Member Posts: 16
  • MeraMera Member Posts: 133
    That's especially true when selling stuff. Scrolling always only affects the left list ie the vendor one. When the mouse hovers the right list ie the NPC one, it should scroll as well. I remember the lvl up screen for Thief having the same problem but there's probably a couple more.
    Should not be too hard to implement but extremely useful nonetheless.
  • IronThroneOfBhaalIronThroneOfBhaal Member Posts: 24
    This will make my life 10000 times better
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    This came up in the beta and has been requested as a post-ship feature. Just so you know the devs are aware. :)
  • emfleckemfleck Member Posts: 9
    Jalily said:

    This came up in the beta and has been requested as a post-ship feature. Just so you know the devs are aware. :)

    Sounds good, I hadn't known that, wouldn't have posted it if I did. :-)

  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    Here here.
  • PeteAtomsPeteAtoms Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 140
    /supports OP
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