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I have no sound in the game - anyone with similar issues

Running SB X-fi surround 5.1 pro


  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    Are you using a non-English version?
  • djgottiedjgottie Member Posts: 7
    no, its all in english - no sound in movies, menu, or game
  • djgottiedjgottie Member Posts: 7
    but there is sound when I click the "play" button when the launcher comes up
  • Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181
    I've seen a lot of sound issues, period. Like spell sounds cutting out halfway through the sequence.

    I'd post in the Bug section, but after the other bug reports I posted got deleted, it's kind of hard to care.
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    @Arsene_Lupin The admins do not actually delete bug reports, to my knowledge. Maybe your threads were merged with other reports of the same bugs?
  • djgottiedjgottie Member Posts: 7
    well i reposted in windows pc
  • Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181

    @Arsene_Lupin The admins do not actually delete bug reports, to my knowledge. Maybe your threads were merged with other reports of the same bugs?

    Yeah, it seems like that's what happened. Took me a while to figure out. I just didn't like going to my profile and seeing that, suddenly, none of the posts I'd made reporting bugs still existed. Not cool.

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