Is it true that none of the cut/unfinished content was restored?

Because that is the only reason I wanted to buy this in the first place. I was hoping for a final version of the game, as it was originally meant to be, with all of the cut and unfinished content reintegrated and restored by people who had worked on the original game.
If the second "enhanced" game is bereft of this as well, I think I might skip buying it. I know there are mods that address these issues as best as they can, but I thought we would be getting a definitive version. This is highly disappointing.
If the second "enhanced" game is bereft of this as well, I think I might skip buying it. I know there are mods that address these issues as best as they can, but I thought we would be getting a definitive version. This is highly disappointing.
As far as your concern goes, they've said they want to continue developing and adding to it so I think its too early to say that new content or "uncut/unfinished" content is out of the picture.
I'm not allowed to voice my disappointment after finding out that it isn't? Thank you though, for your completely uninformative and useless post.
Also I'd be wary of calling a version with mods like 'Unfinished Business' the definitive version since not all of the cut or unfinished content will have actually been meant for release by the original developers. Not everything will be cut for financial reasons or for making the release date, some will have been cut because they may feel it didn't fit with what the rest of the game or other reasons.