Help new player

I just got an awesome roll but i'm worried because i don't know if wisdom counts for saves, and I made him without even thinking about asking here,
18/00 str
18 dex
18 con
18 intelligence
3 wisdom
18 charisma
does wisdom have anything to do with "saves" ? or is it a useless stat for a kensai planning to go mage
18/00 str
18 dex
18 con
18 intelligence
3 wisdom
18 charisma
does wisdom have anything to do with "saves" ? or is it a useless stat for a kensai planning to go mage
That being said a 3 wisdom only adversely affects your lore bounus, so no not really.
But man I thought this would have a negitive affect on some saving throws. Am I just confusing rule sets?
Will a 3 wisdom hurt Endrance if he/she took that character to BG II?
Oh, and wisdom (and Int) DO affect what dialogue options are open to you in some situations.