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Cavalier vs. Wyverns

I'm debating playing a Cavalier for my next playthrough; I've never actually had a Paladin as a PC before, so I figure it should be interesting. However, does anyone know if the +3 damage/to-hit bonus conferred by the Cavalier kit function on Wyverns as well? Wyverns are probably my most hated enemy in the game, so any bonus towards dealing with them would probably have a large impact on what class I decide on.


  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    I rather doubt it. Wyverns are of an entirely different species than dragons, even if they also are large, winged, and scaly.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited December 2012
    Agree with Chow, however the Cavalier's innate protection (Poison) is a HUGE boon against them.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    I recommend picking an Inquisitor instead, I just completed a playthrough with it and I have to say the kit is incredibly good. Dispel Magic and True Sight from level one is incredibly useful, and the immunity to hold and charm is priceless. The sirines at the lighthouse for example will be a cakewalk...
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    It doesn't. But it is an easy modding task.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Sceptenar said:

    I recommend picking an Inquisitor instead, I just completed a playthrough with it and I have to say the kit is incredibly good. Dispel Magic and True Sight from level one is incredibly useful, and the immunity to hold and charm is priceless. The sirines at the lighthouse for example will be a cakewalk...

    I always just used Level 1 NPCs or ShadowKeeper to turn Ajantis into one instead: I felt that it made sense for him to be one, what with having been trained by Keldorn, and I didn't feel like creating one myself because I could always get Keldorn to my party in the second game, where I'd inevitably get my character.

    Personally, if you're all down for wyvern-hunting, I'd recommend ranger with the appropriate Racial Enemy.
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    IF it does not work, then it should. Wyverns should be a dragon-type as per AD&D rules.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Archer with Wyvern enemy.........scratch that, an archer against anything is death. An archer against their favored enemy is just overkill ;)
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    I should do an archer again. I haven't played one since long before ToB came out, and back in those days I used to think it was pretty useless because there were only so many magic arrows and plenty of things that couldn't be hurt with normal ones. But then ToB added Quivers of Plenty...
  • hansolohansolo Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2012
    Chow said:

    Personally, if you're all down for wyvern-hunting, I'd recommend ranger with the appropriate Racial Enemy.

    Sadly, You can only pick from a very restricted selection of favored enemies (like in the original BG):
    So no demons (as I wanted to) and also no wyvern.
    The best choices remain Spider or Ogre, there are simply no better ones to choose from.

    Also, the Cavalier is immune to charm as well, like the Inquisitor, so he can handle the Sirines as easy.
    And his immunity to poison helps a lot. I'm currently using one in my playthrough.
    What I don't like about the Inquisitor is his lack of priest spells.
    At the end of BG 2 "Draw upon Holy Might" becomes a pretty powerful buff (+3 to Str, Dex and Con at Lv 17 Cavalier)

  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Personally I'd go for troll, because they're bloody everywhere in BG2 and, if I remember it correctly, having them as racial enemy allowed you to kill them without fire or acid.
  • hansolohansolo Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2012
    That isn't an option either :)

    This is the list, a Ranger in BG:EE can choose from:
    1) Ettercap
    2) Ghoul
    3) Gibberling
    4) Gnoll
    5) Hobgoblin
    6) Kobold
    7) Ogre
    8) Skeleton
    9) Giant Spider

    and that's it :(
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Sceptenar said:

    I recommend picking an Inquisitor instead, I just completed a playthrough with it and I have to say the kit is incredibly good. Dispel Magic and True Sight from level one is incredibly useful, and the immunity to hold and charm is priceless. The sirines at the lighthouse for example will be a cakewalk...

    I've always had mixed feelings on an Inquisitor. Their dispel magic ability is obviously very effective, but too effective in a sense - it's just as likely to dispel your own party's protections as well. I only like to use dispel magic as a last resort.

    I think a cavalier's immunities are even more useful in BG1 than in BG2, especially the immunity to poison. However, they can't use missile weapons, which is probably an even bigger handicap in BG1, which is more geared toward ranged fighting than BG2. Still, one can always use throwing daggers or axes instead.
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