I never played BG1 before. I spent all my time in BG2 + ToB, and when I went back to try BG1 it felt dated and incredibly awkward. The enhanced edition makes it feel very much like ToB though, as it was supposed to, and I'm having the time of my life! In fact, I think playing the BG1 content now makes me appreciate the sequel even more. So yeah, my weekend was awesome ^^
I forced my self to finish Dragon Age 2 and got about 2/3 of the way through Skyrim and just ......
I didn't find out this project was underway unti mid September and have been loosing my s***t wait for it to come out.
Can't belive how much I'm enjoying it.
Between Overhaul and Project Eternity we may be entering a new golden-age of RPG's
*And Lathander awoke from a long slumber, rubbing his pwaner encrusted eyes clean*