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Animate dead summons ghasts?

Normally animate dead is suppose to summon skeletons but I'm summoning ghasts instead. Was the spell changed or is this a bug? Anyone else experiencing this?


  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    I think the spell scales with level. In BG2, you can summon Warrior Skeletons and other nasty stuff. I don't know whether ghasts are intended, though.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I am experiencing this. If it's a bug, it's the coolest bug in the world XD
  • Aegir_FellwoodAegir_Fellwood Member Posts: 81
    If it is a bug, let's hope they don't know about it, I'm tired of skeletons - so shhhhh.... ;)
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    I get Ghast too, seems abit overpowered! Maybe Ghouls, but not Ghasts!
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    You can sail through the black pits using these bad boys hehe :D
  • Aegir_FellwoodAegir_Fellwood Member Posts: 81
    @Ken I guess I forgot how powerful they can be lol
  • hansolohansolo Member Posts: 136
    This seems to be a bug.
    The internal file in BG2 representing the skeleton is named "ghastsu".
    Despite this internal name it's still skeletons.

    Now things seem to have gotten confused, I guess.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    @Aegir_Fellwood Yes, let's keep this on the down-low. You used to be able to summon one skeleton per caster level in vanilla BG, so summoning one or two Ghasts is an even trade in my book. :)
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    In fact, they should add a 5% chance to cast Koraxx the friend in conjunction with Ghasts! :D
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