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...+2 halberd with +6 damage!?


Only draw back is that it sets your attacks per round to 1?!



  • MurrayConfederacyMurrayConfederacy Member Posts: 188
    I'm not too sure... ATP seems pretty important to me..?
  • EndranceEndrance Member Posts: 17
    i dont think paladins go past 1 in bg ee though
  • revaarrevaar Member Posts: 160
    It seems more like a perfect Bard/Skald weapon to me, as they don't get more than 1 APR without dual wielding anyway.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    Yeah, funny that since I always thought a Bard with a Halberd would be cool. Gives me a reason to give it a go sometime.
  • MarricMarric Member Posts: 53
    Endrance said:

    i dont think paladins go past 1 in bg ee though

    Paladins will get +1/2 for weapon specialization and another +1/2 at lvl 7, so basically the same attack speed bonuses fighters will see.

    My evil Skald was absolutely ecstatic when she found that weapon. Suddenly shes doing only! 2 less damage then 19 strength Dorn :D
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    They should be at 1.5 if they're specialized in halberds and they should achieve 2 APR once they reach level 7.

    Specialized (+1/2 APR)
    Grand Mastery (I think it goes up to +1 APR but you can read it to mean you gain an extra 1.5 APR between specialized and grand mastery combined).

    Furthermore, Warrior classes (Fighters, Rangers, Paladins, Barbarians) gain an extra half attack at 7 and 13. I have no clue if this continues to go up at higher additions of 6 levels.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Since Dorn has two ranks in Two Handed Weapons already, I decided to give him one rank in Halberds after picking this one up. He won't get the base 1.5 attacks per round until he's 7th level anyway.
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