How to create custom AI scripts?

How do you create custom AI scripts? I'd like to have some more thief specific ones, e.g. always searching for traps (for use in dungeons etc.), but am not sure how to do this
Making custom scripts was half the fun of the old Infinity Engine games. And I can't seem to find my old scripts I made (hell, it has been 8+ years).
Dammit, I need my Find Traps/auto-unlock chest script.
Would love if you share them.
u don't really need a compiler for ai script
BGEE can read baf file as well (which is basically txt file with high level language code)
but of couse a compiled file have better performance..if you have large amount of codes..
EDIT: BGEE can detect BAF file..but didn't work as I expected
anyway i have this easy find trap only script if you want it
just drop into \00766\scripts
and choose the script, then your character will find trap when exploring,
but won't do anything when hiding or in combat
or just copy below code into baf file and convert into bs UPDATE: new bs file, working
Thanks, though neither version of the script seems to work (have tried putting either, in the folder, not both at the same time), it's listed and I can select it, but my thief doesn't try to find traps
try this one
Should work
you can try it with NearInfinity,
basically, all the commends for this language code is in IDS files, like action.ids gives you all the working response action (even cheating ones)
if you are not sure how to write it, you can read it from the script section, nearinfinity does help you change script code back to source file
or you can try to look
most of the actions still work the same way in the old ones, and the site has plenty of example to look at
I forget which one of them does, but one of the game provided scripts has them do just that. (Edit: Well they are constantly trying to Hide in Shadows anyway) I turned it off because I found it annoying. lol.