Three player multi DOESN'T WORK?!

After numerous attempts to get a three player game going, and having tried port forwarding, restarting, etc. we were unable to get a single working game.
We ran into a myriad of problems, finally getting everyone in to a game only to realize that two players are never able to actually see each others characters or action, making the multi completely unplayable.
I can't believe a game was released in this format, with this degree of issues. Is there any solution for this?
We ran into a myriad of problems, finally getting everyone in to a game only to realize that two players are never able to actually see each others characters or action, making the multi completely unplayable.
I can't believe a game was released in this format, with this degree of issues. Is there any solution for this?
I would suggest using Hamachi or Tungle as they tent to work with ALOT of people using the multiplayer feature
Improved multiplayer support, with connectivity between all platforms"
If multiplayer doesn't work, then don't claim it does on your web page's list of features. As far as I'm concerned this game was sold to me using deceptive advertising. It's not up to the consumer to scour for hidden bugs and issues. If multi doesn't work, it Should not have been advertised as an improved feature in this game.
Bad form for a new company. Both my friends who bought the game agreed, same with others I've spoken to online.
I really wanted to love this product and support this new company, but now I feel cheated. Not a good customer experience for a new brand.
I just want my money back from this team now. If I can't play multi as advertised this is pointless to me and my friends. Such a shame... was so excited for this.
From Trent's twitter, 1hr or so ago: "We've got some multiplayer fixes in testing right now."
It's a priority for them I'm sure, it's not just about the ipad version, they're doing a bunch of stuff at the same time.