Pre-orderers sacrificed to Unholy Bug God?

If you'll remember, I withdrew my intention to pre-order on account of dishonorable pricing changes (a textbook case of Electronic Artsing). However, I have reserved total judgement of the game and developers despite this uncouth act. After perusing the forums recently, I am inclined to believe the notion I mentioned in the title, but I would like clarification from those who know better than I.
Were the pre-orderers unwittingly sacrificed to the Unholy Bug God? It seems clear that this is what happened, and the reasons are not hard to comprehend, if this was indeed the case. If there is a more plausible explanation, please give me some information in this vein.
Regardless of whether or not the pre-orderers were sacrificed to the Unholy Bug God, I am wondering whether or not Overhaul will take the time and money necessary to overhaul the massive amount of introduced bugs and truly enhance Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. What do you think? It would be a dog gone shame if they switched gears and went from somehow hurriedly making one decade old game worse to making the sequel worse as well while managing to alienate all but the most devoted fanboys before finally laying off their staff and declaring bankrupty in a wondrous but brisk flash of ineptitude.
Sieur de La Cornbread
Were the pre-orderers unwittingly sacrificed to the Unholy Bug God? It seems clear that this is what happened, and the reasons are not hard to comprehend, if this was indeed the case. If there is a more plausible explanation, please give me some information in this vein.
Regardless of whether or not the pre-orderers were sacrificed to the Unholy Bug God, I am wondering whether or not Overhaul will take the time and money necessary to overhaul the massive amount of introduced bugs and truly enhance Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. What do you think? It would be a dog gone shame if they switched gears and went from somehow hurriedly making one decade old game worse to making the sequel worse as well while managing to alienate all but the most devoted fanboys before finally laying off their staff and declaring bankrupty in a wondrous but brisk flash of ineptitude.
Sieur de La Cornbread
Sounds about right to me.
Continue on, nothing to see folks!
The reason there isn't as much opposition to the negative crowd is because they're playing and enjoying the game. I've been a huge Infinity Engine gamer for almost 12 years now and and this release by Overhaul is excellent. Yes, it's not without its bugs, like many pieces of software but it is most certainly worth the 20$ I spent and the developers have been working on fixes these bugs, just check out the bug forum and look at all the things they said they're working on.
One needs to remember to think for themselves and not rely on some internet forum circle jerk when making decisions.
And by the way, not only pre-orderers experienced bugs. Everyone does, to this day. However, I've seen worse games (say, XCOM just two months ago) in that regard. I believe Beamdog will clean this up. If they don't, Boo have mercy on them. It's far too early to make a judgement.
There seems to be a massive amount of bugs, or the forums are infested with communist plants spreading propaganda. I do not doubt that the bugs are real. I do doubt that the silent majority of players are actively aware of all the bugs they are experiencing during game play, especially in light of the euphoric return to younger adulthood this game will surely bring, where emotion trumps reasonable thought, like every time I watch an 80's movie.
We serfs lack solid data on the true amount of bugs and the true will and capacity of Beamdog to fix the bugs. Has there been a commitment to complete bug eradication (minus things like the Intel problem)? Did the pre-orderers sacrifice themselves to the Unholy Bug God so that future players will be able to play without bugs?
Or is an infestation of bugs the new permanent state of affairs in Baldur's Gate?
Thank you for the predominantly rational replies.
Sieur de La Cornbread
Man, you got a thing for drama don't you? I suppose there's only one way to find out and that's to wait. We're barely on day four since release and the game has yet to launch on several other platforms. Overhaul is a small team of about twelve if I recall and as such, you can't expect magic to happen over night. I've seen and heard nothing to suggest that the bug fixes aren't being taken seriously.
Most problems seem to come from compatibility issues, not the game being bugged.
Now i know that me not seeing bugs doesn't mean there aren't any. But you know what's good about this version of bg? The devs will be working on it still for the next weeks/months, adding new stuff and neat suggestions from the forums, while eradicating all the leftover bugs!
Why people are bitching on this game is completely beyond me, they've made many improvements to the original game, no one can't deny that. Like the customizable reticle colors under our characters, the zoom function, pixel shaders, new resolution, etc
Imagine what the game will look like once they start adding stuff up, now imagine what bg2 will look like once they're done with their improvements.
I for one am grateful I bought the game, not only because the game looks better than the original, but also because it'll get even better with time. A professional team with access to the source code will do a way better job in the long run than some modding team, however good they are, in my opinion.
The game is in good hands people, have faith.
Most of the rest of the complaints--and there are comparatively fewer of them--have to do with actual bugs that the developers were already aware of and are continuing to fix. Only a select few are things that the beta testers failed to catch, and among these the great majority are the result of people trying to install BG1 or BG2 mods before they've been updated to work with the enhanced edition.
So, in all, the game runs fine if your graphics card supports OpenGL 2.0 (although you might have to update your drivers, which you should do anyway), and there are a few things that you might notice happening. Do not install a mod on your game unless it has been confirmed to be compatible with the Enhanced Edition, and the majority of your experience will be a positive one.
If your game crashes, the game now creates a .dmp file under Documents\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\crash, which you can email directly to me at and I'll make sure it gets seen. These .dmp files are invaluable for figuring out not just what's happening on your system, but also why it's causing your game to crash, which will allow the developers to find a solution.
So--should you buy the game? Well, I'm biased, because I want it to be successful. But if you don't think you have the patience to submit the bug reports and/or wait for patches to fix the odd error or game crash, there's nothing wrong with waiting a few weeks or even a month before making your purchase when most (if not all) of the big problems have been resolved.
In fact, anyone wanting to play multiplayer I would almost recommend waiting. They've stated a few times that the multiplayer support is still not fully implemented and tested, but it's next on their list, and once it's ready it will be an amazing feature to have.
This message brought to you by the local Warhammer 40k nut.
Oh. Yes. ...Good idea. I've just updated it.
(I expect I'll be getting a flood of emails any minute now...)
It seems like the thinking man's best option is to wait for a few weeks/months of patches. The premature release of the game necessitates a postponed purchase to restore balance. Until then, the Unholy Bug God will revel in the deplorable chaos propagated by his children.
The frequency of bug reports in the forums will alert me that either the time for purchasing is near, or the webmaster has increased his adeptness at censorship. This reminds me of the fact that we are dealing with the Canadians.
Sieur de La Cornbread
Otherwise the game has been flawless. I couldn't be happier.
My other concern is with the addition of Introduced Ugly into the game but as I have not played the game yet, I can't form a solid opinion. The intro video did not bother me though. Perhaps this will require a future thread.
@freelapdance go play on a highway. Oh wait, maybe you should go play Modern Warfare 3 or Halo 4, that's probably more your scene. Enjoy.
Can't see one where he's actually asking for assistance with any of "game breaking bugs", it seems like he'll rather troll this site offending as many as he can.
Fanboy of this new broken product can keep it up, ill go play the original game with BGT instead, then again i want my fucking 20 dollars back so i can wipe my arse with it and feel more satisfied. Oh i started out with asking/looking for a solution for the 30 fps issue, no response other than the usual "leave britney alone!" attitude, thus i see no point in being more polite than any other.
You reap what you sow.