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Should BG1:EE be compared to Baldur's Gate 2?

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  • begolf00begolf00 Member Posts: 152
    Though the new additional areas are hit and miss in BG:EE, I do agree with Jalily, they should stay true to the spirit of each game.
  • LuciusDeiLuciusDei Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2012
    I think many people will compare, because BG2 was so incredible and improved upon BG1 in so many ways. But, BG2 was, in some respects, a very different game. BG2 really fleshed out NPCs and NPC interations; many more party discussions, interjections, well-rounded characters with richer back story. It fleshed out how areas worked and area transitions; less random, bare spaces out in the wilderness, and having to walk through them to get to the places you wanted to be. It fleshed out voice acting; many more lines were voice acted, NPCs had more voice acting etc... BG2 made all these bigger and better, so really BG:EE isn't going to have these things, because it wasn't like that in the original.

    For me, I think the only thing that should be compared with BG2 in BG:EE is the UI/resolution of it. Since it is possible to mod the BG1 to use the BG2ToB UI and sprites, BG:EE needed to come up with enhancements to the UI that matched that, and for me personally, I don't think it squares up. BG2's UI is beautiful, whereas BG:EE's UI, the colours and style, feel poorer.
  • catfishcatfish Member Posts: 31
    BG1 was the superior game anyway.More exploration and gold actually means something.BG2 was way more linear and gold was meaningless since you had so much more of it than there were items to buy.
  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324
    BGEE should be compared to a modded BG1 with the BG2 engine.
  • SiddhamSiddham Member Posts: 31
    BG2 was/is the superior game. Deeper characters and storyline and side quests. But BG1 is a great game.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited December 2012
    Jalily said:

    Additions to BG1 should be in the spirit of BG1, and additions to BG2 should be in the spirit of BG2.

    /thread. With that attitude, I am glad you were a beta tester. :)
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