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Jaheira (possible other multi class) HP bugged

reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
Observed Behavior: Jaheira gets fewer hit points on level-ups than her class should allow. It appears to be ½ of her d8+2 (Druid/17 CON) or d10+3 (Fighter/17 CON).

Specifically - On multiple occasions, she received 2 HP for level up. Based on 17 CON, 2 HP is impossible for either of her classes. Additionally, she levels up simultaneously at Dru 3/Ftr 2 - She received 7 HP for this (should receive D8+D10+5, so seven is possible, but highly unlikely.

Expected Behavior: Multi-Class characters receive full HP for level-ups
Post edited by Jalily on


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438

    It appears to be ½ of her d8+2 (Druid/17 CON) or d10+3 (Fighter/17 CON).

    That's how it's supposed to be.

    On multiple occasions, she received 2 HP for level up. Based on 17 CON, 2 HP is impossible for either of her classes.

    Because her +HP/level bonus is an odd number, it will be split unevenly between her classes. So when leveling up in one of her classes, she'll get +2, in the other she'll get +1, so getting a total of 2 hp on leveling up in a single class is possible.

    Additionally, she levels up simultaneously at Dru 3/Ftr 2 - She received 7 HP for this (should receive D8+D10+5, so seven is possible, but highly unlikely.

    When Jaheira levels up as a fighter and druid simultaneously, the dice rolls would be as follows: 1D4 + 1D5 + 3.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    That seems very wrong because she gets no 'discount' in XP required for each level up. *digs out his 2nd Ed Player's Handbook...* If so, it seems to very much penalize dual class characters. Anyway, I found the answer - it's a little buried in the HP discussion of the Player's Handbook. Thanks @TJ_Hooker
  • dam23dam23 Member Posts: 30

    Observed Behavior: Jaheira gets fewer hit points on level-ups than her class should allow. It appears to be ½ of her d8+2 (Druid/17 CON) or d10+3 (Fighter/17 CON).

    Specifically - On multiple occasions, she received 2 HP for level up. Based on 17 CON, 2 HP is impossible for either of her classes. Additionally, she levels up simultaneously at Dru 3/Ftr 2 - She received 7 HP for this (should receive D8+D10+5, so seven is possible, but highly unlikely.

    Expected Behavior: Multi-Class characters receive full HP for level-ups

    This is so not how multi-class HP per level up works.

    Here, allow me to lay it bare before you.
    You've got a fighter/cleric (or fighter/druid, whatever) character with 17 CON.

    17 CON is a +3 hp bonus per level up for single classed characters.

    Jaheira levels up as a fighter, she gets:
    * 1d10/2 from fighter class
    * 3/2 hp from CON, rounded down , keep the remaining 0.5 for her next level up
    Assuming she rolled 10, she gets: 6 hp , keep 0.5 for the next level up

    Jaheira now levels up as a druid, she gets:
    * 1d8/2 from druid class
    * 3/2 hp from CON, rounded down, keep the remaining 0.5
    * add the previous 0.5 to our current 0.5 remainder , which totals to 1
    Assuming she rolled 8, she gets: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7hp

    Basically, every 2 levels, you get your full +3 hp bonus from 17 CON.
    And every level up, you get half the hp you're entitled to.

    This is normal and working as intended.

    As someone who has repeatedly reloaded when leveling up his chars to ensure they got max hp, I definitely can tell it's working as intended.

    Here's the same example for my fighter/thief dwarf, 19 natural CON:

    level up as a thief, first, because it requires less xp:
    * 1d6 / 2
    * 5 / 2 from 19 CON , round down to 2, keep 0.5 remainder for next level up
    Total hp gained assuming I rolled 6 : 3+2 = 5

    level up as a fighter at 2000xp:
    * 1d10 / 2
    * 5/2 from 19 CON , round down to 2, keep 0.5
    * add 0.5 from previous level up
    Total hp gained assuming I rolled 10 : 5 + 2 + 1 = 8

    Total hp for the 2 level ups: 13
    This is consistent with the average of 1d6 + 1d10 (which is 1d8) and +5 hp from CON
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