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Ankheg Armor

Has anybody else had trouble getting any armor made from Ankheg shells?

The smith in Beregost buys them and talks about having one on the tenday, but I never receive a dialogue option to get the armor.

I can get by without it, but it's definitely useful for lower strength (Viconia) armor-wearers. I asked Jaheira to let Vic wear hers, but she wasn't too warm to the idea...


  • joshykinsjoshykins Member Posts: 95
    You have to wait ten in game days before it's ready. That's called a tenday, there is also a set of Ankheg armour that you can find:

    It's in a field to the west of Nashekl, you have to use tab to highlight as you walk around because its pretty tough to spot.

  • catfishcatfish Member Posts: 31
    I had the same problem, i think maybe because i have 6 reputation? no option for armour to be made.Also it was confusing because i brought back 7 shells and the smithy said he would take "all" of them off my hands for 500GP.In actual fact he only took one of me for that price not all.
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    joshykins said:

    there is also a set of Ankheg armour that you can find:

    He knows that. Jaheira is wearing it...he made a joke of it >.>;
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    catfish said:

    I had the same problem, i think maybe because i have 6 reputation? no option for armour to be made.Also it was confusing because i brought back 7 shells and the smithy said he would take "all" of them off my hands for 500GP.In actual fact he only took one of me for that price not all.

    Nah, he made it for my evil party that has 6 reputation...
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012
    In order to get Taerom to smith a set, one has to decline his offer to purchase the shell. If you do so, he says something along the lines of "In that case, how about I smith you a set of ankheg armor for 4k." He takes the shells and tells you to come back in a tenday, but the Enhanced edition gives you the option to pay 6000 for two day service. I haven't used that option, so I am unaware of any potential consequences.
  • catfishcatfish Member Posts: 31

    In order to get Taerom to smith a set, one has to decline his offer to purchase the shell. If you do so, he says something along the lines of "In that case, how about I smith you a set of ankheg armor for 4k." He takes the shells and tells you to come back in a tenday, but the Enhanced edition gives you the option to pay 6000 for two day service. I haven't used that option, so I am unaware of any potential consequences.

    thanks for clearing that up
  • begolf00begolf00 Member Posts: 152

    Weird I have not been able to get that option. Will have to try again on my next run-through. Always taken 10 days.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Now i'm regretting not clicking it, just to see if it does anything other than advertised. Since I'm trying to continue my formerly no-reload game (current reloads count: 2), I'm trying to avoid doing things that may jeopardize it. I didn't think the 2k markup was worth it, honestly.
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