Why isn't this on Steam?

This is my favorite game series of all time... But, as i clicked to buy it i was redirected to beamdog and I really don't want to sign up for and purchase this from another steam ripoff site. Is there any hope of this coming to steam? Anyone else feel similarly about this?
Post edited by Balquo on
There's a long, long thread about this already somewhere, and I guess us longtime users of the forums are just tired of explaining why to new members here.
The fact of the matter is, that Beamdog is forced by contractual matters to not sell on Steam, also, they would have to pay a percentage to Valve to do so and loose money in the process.
Last, but not least, you don't have to use Beamdogs Client to install or play at all, so that's not an issue, its not like Steam, where you're locked to their Client to play.
When installing BG:EE it checks your account once when installing, and once the first time you play.
After that you don't even need to be connected to the Internet, except of course, if you want the game to check for upgrades to the game.
No, because you need Steam to install your games.
You DON'T need Beamdog's Client (Store) to install BG:EE.
You just go to their website, download the independent standalone installer, that's it.
Play the game, you don't ever have to visit Beamdog again, whether via their client or website.
Pretty sure for people asking to buy this on Steam thats exactly the what they want... Rest being the same as I already pointed out.
If they want the game, they'll go where it's available, like most normal straight thinking individuals.
Not bitch about the fact that their preferred outlet doesn't sell it.