Looking for an experienced player to duo with.

in Multiplayer
Title says it all, I've played through the Baldur's Gate series over and over since I was around 7-8 years old. I'm very familiar with this game and there's virtually nothing that I don't know off the top of my head as far as content goes. I've got Gameranger, Hamachi and Tunngle. I'm fairly certain I've got all the proper ports opened, though me hosting usually doesn't work. I have Skype, Ventrilo (though not my own server) and Teamspeak.
I don't care what type of character you use, for instance the one I use is a mage with a few "interesting" spells.
To play with fresh characters duo doesn't interest me. But I look forward to this aspect once the game is able to support a full 6 person party.
I don't care what type of character you use, for instance the one I use is a mage with a few "interesting" spells.
To play with fresh characters duo doesn't interest me. But I look forward to this aspect once the game is able to support a full 6 person party.