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Offhand weapon on Kensai fighter

On inventory tab when you check thaco of main and offhand weapons, the label for the offhand weapon is the same as the main hand weapon even though you have different weapons equipped. Not sure whether the attack is affected as well. E.g. If I equip Stupifier in main hand and a long sword in off hand, the description reads Stupifier in both hands, not sure if the off-hand hits as Stupifier or as long sword.


  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    That seems odd. Though if we are allowed a respec when importing to BG2, I would definitely rather have single weapon style on a BG1 kensai with Scimitar proficiency and Drizzts defender scimitar. They are too squishy at low levels.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    Single Weapon Style for Kensai in BG1 is a good option, though better is to get a shield amulet (Nashkell Carnival for example) and wreak havoc with 2 weapons.
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