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Importing BGEE Saves and Characters into vBG2

LyhrLyhr Member Posts: 4
Would a save from the EE actually work with the normal BG2 version or would it just screw things up?

I'm sure I can't wait till next year to continue.
Post edited by Dee on


  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    I was wondering the same thing
  • LyhrLyhr Member Posts: 4

  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    Strictly speaking... saves from one to the other are not compatible. However, you can use a BG2 save game to import a character into BG:EE. If you have something custom, your game may crash though. The reverse is likely to cause more problems as items and strings have changed considerably in some cases. Use caution and be prepared for problems. Back up your saves and game before doing anything!
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I think I'm going to try this today, just for grins. I use my BG2 install only for testing anyway, so I don't mind if it gets screwed up. ;)
  • LyhrLyhr Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012
    Makes sense, although I thought the EE mostly fixes Bugs and uses parts of BG2 stuff so maybe (hopefully) it does not mess everything up. I ignore the graphical changes since it shouldn't really affect much...I think.

    That would be awesome since I don't have the second one anymore I can't try it myself.
    Post edited by Lyhr on
  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    Aosaw said:

    I think I'm going to try this today, just for grins. I use my BG2 install only for testing anyway, so I don't mind if it gets screwed up. ;)

    Let us know how it goes :)
  • GwynnbleidGwynnbleid Member Posts: 17
    Anyone test the Save compatibility yet ? I really wish to know how it goes.
  • Rpg_AvatarRpg_Avatar Member Posts: 38
    As the title states is it possible to transfer your saves there? Because waiting until later next year for BG2:EE to use my new toons my make me insane... well more insane than I already am.
  • LyhrLyhr Member Posts: 4
    Friend of mine said it would work, gonna rebuy BG2 now and confirm it myself.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    If u looked around, u would have seen I made a thread to say yes u can so that we wouldnt need more of these. :) just not entirely sure if there are problems, but I doubt it. It loaded up fine
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited December 2012
    Mine crashed and burned.

    If it works for you, that's great, but I definitely don't promise anything.

    EDIT: Oh, I see what I did. *sigh* I'm a moron.

    I was trying to just load my BG:EE saved game. Importing worked fine.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I merged these two threads, since they're pretty much about the same thing. I'll update the thread title, too, to make it clear what the topic's about.
  • DarkcloudDarkcloud Member Posts: 302
    Importing your Character to BG II should work without problems because you lose your Items anyway. Importing to TOB or from BG II or TOB to BG1 should give problems because some items don't exist in these games that you have in the savegames.
  • CooperCooper Member Posts: 18
    Awesome! Now I don't have to wait til BG2:EE to continue with my favorite little dwarf buddy! :D
  • falsetautologyfalsetautology Member Posts: 3
    Lets just be clear here: we are talking about exporting a completed BG:EE game with possibly new characters in the party into a functional BG2/ToB game? Without using any editors or anything? I want to be sure before I try anything weird. The new character(s) wouldnt be in the game, right? Would things like the Golden Pantaloons carry over? Would it be safer to just create a fake export with all your character info and use that? The only new character I'm using is Dorn and I dont really care if I lose him (I mean, I care, but I can deal with it).
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    @falsetautology BG2 has never imported more than your main character. BG:EE can try however hard it wants, but BG2 is not going to care.
    It's going to ignore Dorn or whomever else you have in your party like a drunk and uncaring father on Christmas when all one wants is just a tiny package, a little show of affection, while all he thinks about is that new pretty cashier at the local store who wears a miniskirt and is at least 20 years younger than one's mother.

    Long story short: NPCs shouldn't affect anything.
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133

    Lets just be clear here: we are talking about exporting a completed BG:EE game with possibly new characters in the party into a functional BG2/ToB game? Without using any editors or anything? I want to be sure before I try anything weird. The new character(s) wouldnt be in the game, right? Would things like the Golden Pantaloons carry over? Would it be safer to just create a fake export with all your character info and use that? The only new character I'm using is Dorn and I dont really care if I lose him (I mean, I care, but I can deal with it).

    some things should carry over, like the pantaloons, chain mail +3 and soforth. Also, I believe I read about a glitch on these forums that if you manage to drop items on the ground that do NOT carry over before Irenicus talks to you, you can simply pick them up after the cell's open. Never tried it tho.
  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    Well if it doesn't work, you can re-create your character in BG2 using ShadowKeeper.

    But i'll just wait until BG2EE comes out
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