Comments on Similar Spells in BG

I want to start this thread to see other players' opinions on related magic spells. The comparison can be between/among arcane and arcane, divine and divine or mixture of both.
I'll start off with the Minor Globe of Invulnerability and its bigger sibling Globe of Invulnerability. I feel that the minor globe gives a better bang out of the buck then the regular globe. The minor is a lv4 spell that grants protection against lvl3 or lower spells (immune to nasty fireballs, skull traps and such), and the regular is a lvl6 spell that grants protection against lvl4 or lower spells (icestorms, mage confusion, etc).
Frankly, I dont think there are that much annoying lvl 4 spells in the game, but the fact that it's a lvl6 spell means I cant put another slot for other useful lvl6 like Protection against Magical Weapon, Improved Haste and Chain Lightning. I guess this is a reason why the Globe of Invulnerability is overlooked. I think a better improvement (perhaps I would put this in feature request) is to move this spell to lvl7 and grants the power of spell protection against lvl5 or lower spells. This way, the mage gains the power of not breachable (just like a lich!) and immune to sunfire. This would mainly benefit the ai, since when was the last time an enemy mage used breach on my mage? A lvl7 spell is more convenient since there are not many useful alternatives.
In addition, maybe add a new spell call Major Globe of Invulnerability (lvl 9) that grants protection against spells lvl6 or lower.
I'll start off with the Minor Globe of Invulnerability and its bigger sibling Globe of Invulnerability. I feel that the minor globe gives a better bang out of the buck then the regular globe. The minor is a lv4 spell that grants protection against lvl3 or lower spells (immune to nasty fireballs, skull traps and such), and the regular is a lvl6 spell that grants protection against lvl4 or lower spells (icestorms, mage confusion, etc).
Frankly, I dont think there are that much annoying lvl 4 spells in the game, but the fact that it's a lvl6 spell means I cant put another slot for other useful lvl6 like Protection against Magical Weapon, Improved Haste and Chain Lightning. I guess this is a reason why the Globe of Invulnerability is overlooked. I think a better improvement (perhaps I would put this in feature request) is to move this spell to lvl7 and grants the power of spell protection against lvl5 or lower spells. This way, the mage gains the power of not breachable (just like a lich!) and immune to sunfire. This would mainly benefit the ai, since when was the last time an enemy mage used breach on my mage? A lvl7 spell is more convenient since there are not many useful alternatives.
In addition, maybe add a new spell call Major Globe of Invulnerability (lvl 9) that grants protection against spells lvl6 or lower.