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Unlock more multi-class/dual class/class options

If it is possible to do I would like to see more multiclass options unlocked. For example (this was in an old ADD 2nd supplement), it would be cool to play as a half-elf ranger/bard. Or a ranger/cleric/thief? Maybe even a half-orc barbarian/cleric?

As far as dual class, kensai to sorceror seems like a no brainer. A barbarian to monk could work in a Ring of Iron kind of way...

And classes... dude... dwarven monk! Elven paladin! Halfling barbarian! Half-orc sorceror!

Lastly, and this is a bit tangential, but it would be cool to have other race options: drow, duegar, deep gnome, teiflings, and asimars (forgive any mispellings).


  • RhumagricoleRhumagricole Member Posts: 4
    I'm all for new dual/multiclasses but I think this would be hard to manage, regarding what magic items they could or couldnt wear and worse is that they doesn't exist in BG2.

    Granted they might do an enhanced edition of bg2 in which this issue wouldnt be one at all, and bg1 is the right place to add new classes, but still I think its a lot of programming.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Dual-classes were always the thing for humans, and multiclasses for other races. However, it should be possible to dual-class yourself from whatever class you want into whatever other class, provided you have the stats: it's how it was in the tabletop, and I am always in for making the game closer to tabletop rules.
  • VissiousVissious Member Posts: 53
    Yes, I agree with this very much. However, I'd like Beamdog to focus on fixing/tweaking the kits and classes we already have available (such as the Shapeshifter et al) before they begin the potentially perilous work of creating and unlocking new ones for us to screw around with :)
  • RowlieBRowlieB Member Posts: 6
    Well, purely tabletop AD&D speaking, you have race-class restrictions, I think those should be honoured in BG to keep it as close to 2nd as it should be.

    However adjusting the rules so we can have those multiclass options (and thus have more dual class options) would be cool.

    I want to be able to revive my old 2nd edition character to the screen.

    All fear Korsivar, the Half-Elf Druid/Mage!
    (yes this was a legit thought somewhat underpowered multiclass option in 2nd, druid's couldn't advance after a certain level unless they fought others to obtain druidic titles)
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    If the multi-class options followed the players handbook then I would have no problem with it. Looking at the rules does not even show Cleric-Ranger, yet it's an option. Maybe it's from a supplement.
  • DivergentZenDivergentZen Member Posts: 7
    In my old copy of the ADD 2e Players Handbook shows more options that are available in BG. Ranger/Cleric and Ranger/Cleric/Thief are in it. And there was also a way for Ranger/Clerics to dual wield short swords.

    Some of the old 2e supplement book had some really interesting multi class kits. I mentioned Ranger/Bard, which I think comes from the Bards Handbook. More popular perhaps was the bladesinger fighter/Mage kit.

    Though, it's possible there may be copyright restrictions preventing the use of some of the supplemental material. And correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like the game does not support multi or dual class with classes that have percentile thief skills like hide or open lock. So, no ranger/thieves or bard->monk and such?

    I also think you should be able to dual from a fighter to a ranger or a paladin, even though they are all warrior classes. It just makes sense from a role playing perspective that one may start out as a simple soldier or mercenary and find a new calling with a deity to become a ranger or a cleric.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    First things first, they need to add the missing actually legal multiclass combos. Druid/Mage, Ranger/Druid, and Fighter/Mage/Druid.

    Cut from a scan of my 2nd Ed Player's handbook.
  • RowlieBRowlieB Member Posts: 6
    I know it says so in the handbook, but could a ranger/druid actually be legit....
    A ranger has to be of good alignment, while a druid must remain true neutral...

    In any game I played this combo would not be considered as something that should be allowed.
  • LaughingManLaughingMan Member Posts: 65
    I just embarrassed myself in another thread arguing (incorrectly) that such a combo was possible. I think they just marked everything cleric under half-elf with an asterisk, without thinking about it in detail.

    Of course, in every game I played house rules allowed for much more flexible alignment and class restrictions (i.e. few, and with no racial level limits).
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    According to the 2nd ed handbook (right near the end of their ability lists) a druid only has to be PART neutral, just like the 3rd edition one, not true neutral only. So you could be Neutral good and qualify for both. (I've been trying to get this fixed officially for years, but since there's mods that do it, it's never really been touched).

    From complete book of Druids.

    Also Gygax and some other guy officially errata'd R/D for half-elves (and ONLY half-elves) to allow Neutral Good, in issue #100 of Dragon magazine.
    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
  • escagirlukescagirluk Member Posts: 21
    I'd quite like to play as a half-orc bard, for the lulz and because it would be kind of awesome.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288

    I'd quite like to play as a half-orc bard, for the lulz and because it would be kind of awesome.

    The lyrics would be even more awesome!!!
    ..lallala smash in some 'eads!!! Stomp 'em all!!! ..don't stop till all are dead and we stand tall!!!! ..lalalalal!!!!
    .........(or something like that)..

  • escagirlukescagirluk Member Posts: 21
    Or, alternately, it could be all bad emo music. For He Is The Darkness and All Fear Him and Revile Him and all that modern woe-is-me vampiric rubbish. ...all his music would be Evanescense and Nine Inche Nails and The Rasmus.

    Back to non-emo territory, Bon Jovi's It's My Life could be one of his bard songs. It would buff the party so they were immune to low morale and revive dead party members.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Excuse me? There's no way a half-orc bard wouldn't be Manowar.

    Gloooory and fame, bloooood is my name, swooooords full of thunder, hearts of steel!
  • escagirlukescagirluk Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2012
    Never heard of Manowar. The extent of my heavy metal knowlede is Metallica. And I could not name a single one of their songs. (Except, maybe, something about sand?)

    Speaking of half-orc bards, why can't half-orc's be bards? Half-elves can be bards - assumably because they are half-human (as otherwise bard is human-only). Half-orcs are also half-human, so why can't they get the bard class like their elfy half-cousins?
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