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What about The Black Pits?

What do you think about The Black Pits? Did you finish it? Share your experience.

I soloed The Black Pits with a fighter/mage on core rules. It wasn't niether too easy, nor too hard. It was really fun and I am partially happy that it is a standalone adventure(since I do not have time to play the whole game ;/ ). I also have another question for those of you who completed the adventure. Did you manage to kill all the duergar warriors at the end of the quest? I suppose they spawn forever. I killed at least 50 and they continued spawning.(See, there is a glich that when you drop to 1 hp, enemies stop attacking you)


  • theJoshFrosttheJoshFrost Member Posts: 171
    I refuse to play it until they fix the problem with custom sound sets not playing properly. But it seems pretty cool, I made up the characters that are currently in my IRL D&D game.

    So I guess I have nothing to add to this discussion except to whine about the sound sets. But... Black Pits looks cool!
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    I played the black pits yesterday, had quite a bit of fun.
    First finished it solo with the same avenger druid that I used to finish the main campaign.
    Then, I finished it with a solo human Fighter 7 / Wizard 9 (started as a fighter & dualed @7)

    Gotta admit, I love that small module, even if I was a bit sceptical at first.

    Sure, it's ... just strategy, but, I dunno, the music & environments are great, as are the voice overe of the duergars. Overall, I was quite pleased, and spending 4-5 hours playing it is a nice way to change your mind.
    I might even be tempted to try to finish it with some weird class combinations (Like : 3xWizard, or 3xBard..)
  • KratokKratok Member Posts: 42
    edited December 2012
    I finished with a solo Berserker on core rules a couple of days ago, and enjoyed it greatly. Especially around fights 5-10 (don't remember exactly, but somewhere mid-way it felt the toughest for me) it required quite a bit of thinking when it came to itemization, potions and such to manage the fights, with some other tough fights earlier and later on as well. It got a bit too easy later on with some items I felt were overpowered though. I think it took me around 3-4 hours to finish.

    I loved the writing and character development (NPCs getting new conversations, PC getting more confident etc. as you went along), and voice acting was good as well.

    Was hoping it would be a bit longer and more difficult, but it is still very well designed. Didn't run into any bugs whatsoever in my single player playthrough, it certainly seems they put a fair amount of effort into it and it shows.

    I assume the duergar will spawn endlessly, I fought until death killing many dozens of them as well. Didn't try it again with buffs/potions though, could have probably killed a couple of hundred of them if I had the patience. :P Would be nice if there was a couple of duergar mages and priests mixed in to spice things up a bit.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    This with the duergars make it more realistic since you cannot win every battle(as in real life I suppose). After all, the main character of The Black Pits is not The Bhaalspawn i.e. CHARNAME.
  • ElitroElitro Member Posts: 18
    Not yet, i was waiting to finish the story first but since i might be waiting on the new patch to fix Neera not joining your party i might end up completing that, sounds really interesting!
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