"Moonlight Walkers" Boots

Question about Rasaad's new boots: Anyone else figure out how to equip them on someone other than Rasaad?
Usable by:
Any good-alignment
Any lawful-alignment
However, I can't seem to use them on Edwin despite him being a lawful evil mage. Are there hidden stat requirements a la Keldorn/Valygar's gear? Does that mean only Rasaad and a Player Character with the right class/alignments can use it?
It just seems odd to include "mage" in there if no mages can actually use it.
(ALSO: HOLY DAMN they are worth a lot of cash. You're just straight going to give us an item we can sell for 12500 gold and all we have to do is accept a dude into our party? Okay then.)
It is in fact a bug. Mages cannot use them. Also, Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil monks cannot use them.
Usable by:
Any good-alignment
Any lawful-alignment
However, I can't seem to use them on Edwin despite him being a lawful evil mage. Are there hidden stat requirements a la Keldorn/Valygar's gear? Does that mean only Rasaad and a Player Character with the right class/alignments can use it?
It just seems odd to include "mage" in there if no mages can actually use it.
(ALSO: HOLY DAMN they are worth a lot of cash. You're just straight going to give us an item we can sell for 12500 gold and all we have to do is accept a dude into our party? Okay then.)
It is in fact a bug. Mages cannot use them. Also, Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil monks cannot use them.
Post edited by sandmanCCL on
Flagged as usable for Monk, Lawful, Good, Human, Half-Orc
But, according to @Deucetipher, it IS actually only usable by lawful good.
I need to test out a lawful good PC mage, see if it works. Would be freakin' nuts to equip those on that.
Time to go put Dynaheir in your party. But consider it really, she can cast conjuring spells now and if she COULD equip those boots. Suddenly she goes from, "you're crazy she sucks" to "hey with an item here and there she's suddenly ROFLUNKILLABLE"
I'd be surprised. They're flagged as unusable for mage as well, unfortunately.
And how exactly does dynaheir suck? All she cant cast is enchantment spells, big deal. She can still fill her book up with Evocation spells and be very useful.
In the original BG1 and BG2 Invokers could not cast Enchantment Spells OR Conjuration spells which made them the ONLY specialist mages to be restricted from 2 spell schools.
No, only in the original BG1. BG2 engine gave them Conjuration spells back, and only Enchantment as the prohibited school.
Many people here seem to have only ever played vanilla BG1 and dont know anything much about the BG2 engine.
Also in vanilla BG1, Invokers were NOT the only school with two schools restricted - Transmuters were restricted to both Abjuration and Necromancy.
Both Transmutation and Invocation were then changed to just a single opposition school in BG2.
The problem with her is while she could load up with invocation spells, so could every other mage save Xan. Her being an invoker didn't suddenly make her better at doing that than anyone else. However, she couldn't do the one thing I believe mages are most invaluable at, crowd control. Outside of Web, she had nothing. Not only couldn't she cast hold person or sleep, she couldn't summon meatshields to help out, and she had horrible survivability because she lost access to Armor. I could live without one or the other, but both? Pass.
Now that it's JUST enchantments, she's a much more attractive character. Seriously, just the addition Armor brings to her arsenal cannot be overstated.
(I still think Imoen is the best mage in BG1, btw.)
Anyway, just ran some tests. Confirmed mages of any type cannot use the boots, nor can neutral or evil monks. Despite them having a system set up that displays whether an item can be used by someone according to flags, it still displays flags that are not valid. Gonna go make a thread about it in the bugs forum.
BG Tutu, BGT and BG:EE all simply carry over the same restrictions from the BG2 engine, none of them reinvented any of the rules. Right, many people except for you, dragonspear and sandman. In Tutu and BGT, Dynaheir only has Enchantment as her restricted school. If you played more than Vanilla BG1, you would know that this is from the BG2 engine where Invokers were changed to a single restricted school.
In my current game I haven't sold them yet, as it doesn't feel "right" to get that much for them.