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Question about Baldur's Gate EE - In Game Store

Hi all, this is my first time posting on the forums. I pre-ordered this game back on July 26th and just had time out of my busy schedule to actually start playing the game. I noticed the in-game store where I could purchase the new characters Dorn, and Neera as well as a portrait pack from Jason Manley, but when I click to buy it won't let me.

Is the store up and running? Did my pre-order bonus include these item? My game bugged? Or do all BG: EE copies already get these DLC installed?

Sorry if this has already been asked, tried using the search function, but could not find an answer.


  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    They should be included automatically in the PC version. You can first get a glimpse of Dorn
    in the Friendly Arm Inn (main room, just to your right)
    . If he isn't there, report back.
  • MeatBullMeatBull Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the quick reply
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    All three of those things are in the game already. I'm not actually clear why they have that "in game store" set up at all. This isn't an MMO where folks are going to buy appearance items or extra potions. My best guess is they added this as part of the campaign to get Wizards of the Coast to allow them to make BG3. "If you let us make BG3, we can make you MORE money by being set up to sell DLC or in game items."
  • FathuranFathuran Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2012
    I think the reason they are in the 'Store' is because what you see in there is actually something that will have to be purchased in the app versions of this game. As much as I love Baldur's Gate and I feel the EE so far hasn't let me down just yet, I feel this was created with the developers looking more to the tablets than the PC.

    EDIT: Additionally, I believe that in future updates, they will in fact add more things to the store... some free, some paid.
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