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[Request] Re-authorize dual classing to a mage kit, as it was in vanilla BG !

In the Original game, we were allowed to dual class to a mage kit (and essentially they were the only kits that existed in this game).

It should be allowed to dual class to a mage kit, and this shall be the only one exception of dualing to a kit.


  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    I don't even remember if this was possible anymore. I think I played vanilla BG precisely once before finding TuTu, and on that playthrough I didn't dual Imoen.

    If it's true, though, I'm seconding it.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    edited December 2012
    It was possible.

    In my runs, I dualed imoen to a Conjurer (or Safana with the +1 Intell book).

    This was also possible with TOSC + last update
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