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Opening locked stuff?

In BG does the old adage "If at first you don't succeed, try try again" apply? When you fail to bash something open with a weapon, or a thief fails a lockpick attempt ( or even other stuff like disarming a trap) can they ever succeed? I know about the whole "save-reload" loop and even "come back at a higher level" things. I'm asking about "here and now" are multiple attempts of any use?


  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    I think the Thief skills are static values to determine if they pass or fail, so no random chance. (but you can come back later when you have a higher skill)

    I'm not sure about bashing though
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Macona said:

    I think the Thief skills are static values to determine if they pass or fail, so no random chance. (but you can come back later when you have a higher skill)

    I'm not sure about bashing though

    I'm not so sure, in my current game sometimes my thief opens a lock after trying more than once, maybe it's a fixes percentage plus/minus a small random amount?
  • csuzwcsuzw Member Posts: 48
    There is definitely some random chance. I've failed 4 times and succeeded on the 5th before. There's no need to save/reload though, just keep trying a few times and if you fail more than X times move on until you've increased your skill.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    I think this is the mechanics of lock picking and trap disarming: thief skill pt+1d20. Also, there are certain locks and traps in the game that require 100% in order to pick/disarm. I manage to open most locks and disarm most traps w/ Nalia in bg2 w/ the ring of lock pick and ring of danger sense.
  • lurimaxlurimax Member Posts: 28
    AFAIK both lock picking and bashing a lock is a static yes/no. You could try using the wizard spell knock if you have it available
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    there's a definite element of chance involved...i usually try 3 or 4 times if i fail the first time, sometimes your luck will come good if it's within your thief's capabilities.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    There is an element of chance involved, though usually it's "Open on the first try", "Open after a whole bunch of tries" or "Don't open at all", making me believe the roll isn't *that* almighty. Try 5-6 times, then come back later is my suggestion.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Lock/Trap requires a minimum score. If you don't satisfy the requirements but succeed, that simply means you rolled a Critical Hit.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Try 5-6 times. If you can't open, then come back later.

    There is hidden dice roll, when you disarm traps/open locks or steal. But even best dice roll can't guarantee you can open door or disarm trap if your skill is too low.
  • AlexRmFAlexRmF Member Posts: 20
    the success of a lock-picking attempt is determined by a dice roll, so it will happen sometimes to be able to open a lock on the 2nd or 3rd try ... but only if that that lock is your character's skill range. I usually try 3 times before I give up
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    I typically follow the "try 5-6 times and give up" thing. Sometimes it works, so there's definitely some kind of roll going on back there. I don't know exactly how it works, though.
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