I have just finished Tier 1 and it has suddenly reset and gone back to Tier 1... I've still the same level I was when I finished Tier 1... is this normal?
Is it making you fight the same enemies again when you choose "I am ready for your next challenge" or only after you pick "I would like to fight a Tier 1 battle"?
I've noticed the same thing, ex: Id quickload say... the wizard fight, and die, id re-load that same fight, and be a step back in the line of fights, either i was a retard and wasn't quicksaving after every fight (pretty sure i was, im pretty good about quicksaving) or its bugging out, either way I got through it and it wasn't too bad.
In Single Player I finished it in solo, reloading many many times. Never had problems. In MP, on the other hand, I kept saving but when I tried to load a saved game it was missing... So I had to start all over again in Single Player.
I just finished Tier One again, and it let me progress. I think it was a weird bug with the genie. He didn't show up the first time, and when he triggered after Tier 1 was completed, he just reset the Tier again.
In MP, on the other hand, I kept saving but when I tried to load a saved game it was missing... So I had to start all over again in Single Player.
Come on, Beamdog! You're better than this!