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Best long sword you've found?

Hey guys, I was wondering what was the best long sword you've found so far, and if they're any new ones. Or is the vanilla +2 still the best? It's been a while : /


  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    i desperately need a +3 myself, to kill the greater werewolf in isle of balduran... the flame tounge in durlag's tower might be better.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    Greywolf's sword is still the best, unless you're fighting undead or trolls, in which case follow @raelcari 's advice.
  • DMCDMC Member Posts: 44
    Raelcari, there is no +3 longsword. The best weapons for fighting the were's is the two copies of the Bastard Sword +1/+1 Vs Shapeshifters.
  • tokarev748tokarev748 Member Posts: 27
    pick Drizzt's pocket to get an alternate good one
  • CooperCooper Member Posts: 18
    I found a pretty sweet +1 long sword *cool guy*

    ... I'm new.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    There is a situationally useful +1/+3 vs. undead

    After leaving nashkel mines, the encounter with the female assassins. Hallowed Redeemer, IIRC. Colored like a normal +1
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