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Rassad Wont Rejoin

So Rassad was in my party for all of 5 minutes before I kicked him out. I came back later in the game to pick him up and he agrees to join, but instantly quotes his leaving line and leaves every time. My reputation is 12, is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


  • VarkirielVarkiriel Member Posts: 3
    I had the same issue. I had to go back to an earlier save :(
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    I think this is a known bug. Well, at least I have this issue too and I haven't encountered a bug yet. *crosses fingers*
  • DelinomDelinom Member Posts: 46
    The only reason you should get him in your party is to sell his boots for 12.5k gold tho. I did and booted him afterwards. Low level monks are bad...
  • MikeMastersMikeMasters Member Posts: 141
    I guess I will save him for the 2nd playthrough
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