Animate Dead - spell effects

I just cast the lvl.3 cleric spell Animate Dead and summoned... a ghast ! I do not remember this happening in BG2, that undead creature is sure a lot more powerful than a skeleton. This could really have a big effect on several battles in BG1.
Does anyone know if it is always a ghast that is summoned? or can you get a skeleton, zombie, ghoul...?
Does anyone know if it is always a ghast that is summoned? or can you get a skeleton, zombie, ghoul...?
This spell causes 1d2 undead monsters to rise and serve the priest under any conditions. One undead servant automatically rises, and there is a 5% chance per level of the caster that another will rise and join the first. At 15th level, the caster will be able to summon a skeleton warrior (only one) instead.
The undead can follow the caster, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc.. The undead remain animated until they are destroyed in combat, 8 hours pass, or they are turned. This spell cannot be dispelled.
Does not mention skeleton or zombie. I have had my lvl.5 solo Cleric cast it twice, and he got 2 ghasts who in Beregost, very easily disposed of Silke, the party chasing Neera and Landrin's 4 huge spiders.
While Ghasts are certainly beneficial, they're OP as hell..that's why Tiax is awesome..his special ability summons one.