Scroll wheel doesn't work half the time.

I could never imagine even in my worst nightmares that a game like Baldur's Gate could suffer from the plague that are console ports (or in this case, iPad port). The scroll wheel doesn't let you scroll your inventory in the buy/sell window, in the "Journal" section of your Journal, and if you scroll a conversation up and then back again, the dialogue options tend to drop at the very bottom of the screen. The last one is not a big deal, not even a mild one, but it's still a sign of the illness that has plagued the video game industry for almost a decade now.
While click-dragging with the mouse does work for some of these elements for which the mouse wheel does not, in the "Journal" portion of your journal, unless you are click-dragging from the date of an entry, you will invariable end up opening the entry for editing when releasing the mouse button, so it's a bit awkward there.