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Behaviour script that doesn't overrule "Turn Undead"?

MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
Is such a thing possible? I haven't played the series in years and I can't remember how complex the scripts could be. It really annoys me when my Cleric stops using Turn Undead and decides to shoot her sling instead.


  • secretfiresecretfire Member Posts: 63
    I can't ever remember Baldur's Gate not over-ruling that, unless you turned off AI.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Once the Sword Coast Strategems mod gets updated, I'd recommend it for its ease of use script (or something like that). I believe it's suitable for any class and will not over ride any modal abilities (turn undead, stealth, etc.).
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82

    I can't ever remember Baldur's Gate not over-ruling that, unless you turned off AI.

    Me neither - which is why I'm asking. Same issue with bards and their songs.

  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    BP-Series has had that functionality for years (for BARDSONG and TURNUNDEAD both). Passive and Active modes, via hotkey toggle in-game. I bought BGEE last night, and I've already started a crude non-weidu version of the scripts--testing them in-game. Much of the good intelligence is missing without the Detectable Stats and other Identifier (IDS) improvements, but I think those two hotkey toggles will work fine without it.
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