Cant get Viconia
Member Posts: 4
I went into Pendale straight out of Candlekeep to get my old time favorite; Viconia... But once I rescue her from the Flaming Fist Guy she leaves and says we might see each other later, I recall (its been a long time) that Viconia would join your party at this point? Am I doing something wrong?
She doesn't like ugly people
IIRC Viconia needs a reaction roll of 8 to join the party.
Reaction rolls are calculated like this: random roll 8-12 then modified by cha & rep.
CHA modifier:
REP modifier:
These are from TOB but there is no change in these charts for BGEE.
Also in the original games it was good to have high reputation even when doing reaction rolls for Evil characters.
There was a mod that changed this for the original games. How BGEE handles reputation modifications towards Evil characters for reaction rolls I have no idea.
Dark Elf standards are just way too high
He will wear a bag over his head.