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Rasaad's initial proficiencies

DavideDavide Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,698
I started a new game with 2007, and when I took Rasaad I noticed that he has now different proficiencies to what he had in my previous game (around 2001 I believe).
They were originally sling and dart, which were really perfect for him given the natural weakness of an early stage monk. That way I could decide to send him in melee, or to use him from a distance until his stats improve. Now instead he is proficient with katana and Wakizashi/etc./etc., I think that this is really bad for him. People on the forum are already complaining about his weakness, and if on one hand that is a bit silly given that he's a low-level monk, nonetheless I think that at least he would deserve a more sensible choice in the weapon proficiency he has when we meet him.
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