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Boots of Stealth not usable by ranger.

zwadekzwadek Member Posts: 156
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
Current Behavior: My elven ranger (stalker) is not able to wear Boots of stealth "Worn Whispers", despite ranger isn't mentioned in "Not Usable By".

Expected behaviour: Either Ranger should be able to use boots or Ranger should be included among classes that can not use item

umm... false alarm, I didn't noticed, that I've gained "fallen" status in meanwhile.
Post should be deleted
Post edited by Jalily on


  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Have you doubled checked since that they can indeed wear them when non-fallen? I recall that rangers should be able to, but it never hurts to be sure.
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