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Talking to your party

Ok this is gonna sound like a stupid question, and I feel embarrassed for asking it:
Can you talk to your party somehow?

I know you can do it in PST, but its been so long ago since I played BG1, that I've forgotten... >_<
If I click F1 and then a party member I just get a "x has nothing to say to you".


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    They will automatically intiate dialogue with you when thye want to talk. I believe you can "force talk" with people, by selecting the appropriate options from the bottom toolbar, but except in the case of mods, most of the time you will get the message saying "partymember has nothing to say to you"
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    ajwz said:

    They will automatically intiate dialogue with you when thye want to talk. I

    Which with the first game was rare, if it ever happened at all. The second game didn't do it much outside romance either.

    They did talk plenty between each other, though.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    They would bring up conversation if you A.) were actively pursuing their sidequest and wanted to tell you more about it (still rare) or B.) wanted you to actively pursue their sidequest and weren't happy that you were busy with other quests. BG2 they banter quite a bit in the early game when they want to know some basics about your adventuring experience/what kind of person you are and the new NPCs in BG:EE banter after main-quests from what I've witnessed.
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