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[v1.1] Warhorn Shaman: a battle shaman kit

 TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
edited December 2018 in General Modding
The Warhorn Shaman is a component of The Artisan's Kitpack mod. Download it here:

Kit Description

WARHORN SHAMAN: Northern shamans who are also skilled warriors, Warhorn Shamans are capable of calling upon spirits of warriors from planes such as Valhalla or Warrior's Rest. Many of these shamans worship Tempus, the Lord of Battles, and often are just as capable in battle as they are in shamanic magic.

– Hit Die: d10
– May be of any non-Lawful alignment.
– May specialize in all weapons that are usable by shamans.
– May fully specialize in all weapon styles.
– Gains immediate access to a number of unique spells, which can be cast like any other: Battle Ardor, Rallying Cry, Fury of the Winds, Storm Barrier, Stormbound Axes, Wrath of the Skies, Undying Fervor
– May use Rage ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 6 levels thereafter.

RAGE: The enraged state lasts for 1 turn. While enraged, a Berserker gains a bonus of +2 to their attack and damage rolls as well as to their Armor Class, and becomes immune to charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind, hold, imprisonment, level drain, maze, stun, and sleep. The Berserker also gains 15 temporary Hit Points which are taken away at the end of their berserk spree, possibly knocking them unconscious.

– Shamanic Dance summons the following creatures:
Level 1: Warrior Spirits (long sword, longbow), up to 2 spirits at the same time.
Level 6: Berserker Spirits (dual axes, two-handed sword), up to 3 spirits at the same time.
Level 12: Ancestral Spirits (fighter/clerics), up to 4 spirits at the same time.
Level 18: Valkyries (archer, shieldmaiden), up to 5 spirits at the same time.

– Only has one half the normal Detect Illusions score.
– May not cast shaman-exclusive spells.
– May only be human.
– May cast one fewer spell per level per day.



Battle Ardor

Level: 1
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Duration: 2 turns
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the caster becomes empowered by the borrowed strength of ancient warrior spirits. For the duration of the spell, the caster gains a non-cumulative +2 bonus to THAC0 and damage, with an additional +1 bonus per 10 caster levels thereafter.

Rallying Cry

Level: 2
Sphere: Charm
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Saving Throw: None

The caster lets out an inspiring battlecry towards their companions, raising their morale to the highest and granting a non-cumulative +2 bonus to Armor Class and THAC0. The recipients' morale will gradually reset to normal as the duration runs out. If the recipients are affected by magical fear, this is negated.

Fury of the Winds

Level: 3
Sphere: Elemental, Combat
Range: Self
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

The caster imbues the power of the northern winds and storms into their weapons. For the duration of the spell, those weapons deal additional cold and electrical damage and are treated as having a +3 enchantment for the purposes of determining what they can hit. The amount of bonus damage dealt is as follows:

Level 8 and below: 1d4 cold, 1d4 electrical
Level 9-11: 1d6 cold, 1d6 electrical
Level 12-14: 1d8 cold, 1d8 electrical
Level 15-17: 1d10 cold, 1d10 electrical
Level 18+ 2d6 cold, 2d6 electrical

Additionally, due to the caster's weapons being imbued with the power of wind, they are hasted for the duration.

Storm Barrier

Level: 4
Sphere: Elemental
Range: Self
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

The Storm Barrier protects the user from electrical damage by surrounding the caster with a shield of lightning. This shield not only grants the user 50% Electrical Resistance, but also protects the caster from attacks made withing a 5-ft. radius around the caster. An opponent that hits the caster with any weapons or spells within this radius suffers 1d8+2 electrical damage.

Stormbound Axes

Level: 5
Sphere: Combat
Range: Self
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell creates several axe-shaped bolts of lightning, one for each two experience levels the caster has obtained, which are held in the caster's hands in place of their usual weapons. The axes can be hurled at targets up to 50 feet away and are treated as missiles with a +5 bonus to the attack rolls. Each axe deals 2d6+10 electrical damage plus an additional 10 magic damage and stunning the target for 3 rounds if they fail a Save vs. Spells at -2. The caster may hurl one axe per round.

Wrath of the Skies

Level: 6
Sphere: Elemental, Weather
Range: 270 ft.
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Saving Throw: None

This powerful spell causes an icy storm to rain down upon the caster's chosen location, dealing 2d10 damage per round (half cold, half magical) and reducing all enemies' Magic Resistance by 50% and Armor Class by 4 points for as long as they remain within the storm. This spell is not affected by Magic Resistance and does not affect allies.

Undying Fervor

Level: 7
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the caster becomes empowered with a frenzy of such great strength that they are unable to be killed for the duration. Additionally, they deal 50% increased physical damage for the duration of the spell.
Post edited by TheArtisan on


  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Tried my hand at making a shaman kit. This isn't my first attempt as I helped out with the Witchlight Shaman before, but I've had this concept for some time and I finally got around to completing it.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    My perfect IWD-run is finally complete.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    You have basically created a Barbarian/Shaman. Bless you! One thing though, "– May only be human." Really?
  • Fulsom2121Fulsom2121 Member Posts: 25
    Raduziel said:

    My perfect IWD-run is finally complete.

    Is the mod for IWDEE. I have 2.5 and it gives me many errors.
    It finally fails install with this
    [WarShaman/BAF/C0WSHPR.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 1944 column 16-47
    Near Text: )
    	unknown object CLASS specifier [WIGHT]
    [WarShaman/BAF/C0WSHPR.BAF]  ERROR at line 1944 column 16-47
    Near Text: )
    ERROR: parsing [WarShaman/BAF/C0WSHPR.BAF]: Parsing.Parse_error
    ERROR: error compiling [WarShaman/BAF/C0WSHPR.BAF]: Parsing.Parse_error
    ERROR: compiling [WarShaman/BAF/C0WSHPR.BAF]!
    Stopping installation because of error.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Fixed now, but I really cannot understand why the 'up-to-date' version of IWD:EE still lacks so many spell states and identifiers.
  • Fulsom2121Fulsom2121 Member Posts: 25
    Fixed version has installed in IWDEE now and I have the kit assigned to a party member.
    More I can't say for today because I still create my party.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    How this mod behaves with Improved Shamanic Dance?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Artemius_I Would you be able/willing to make this kit compatible with the Faiths and Powers mod's magic spheres system? I'm planning to use this kit for a run, but without assigning domains to it, it won't get any spells. The authors have supposedly made this really easy to do.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Easy as goblin pie, indeed.
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2018
    I loved this kit thus far until I ran into a problem (on my side) leveling up to level five. I was unable to choose any more shaman spells (incompatible magic spheres) because there were only three to choose from, and had a stuck screen.

    [EDIT] I'm positive it must have something to do with the sphere system (DoF, FaP, etc...). I'm not positive at to how difficult it would be to workaround this as the author(s).
    Post edited by UOLegacy on
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2018
    Raduziel said:

    How this mod behaves with Improved Shamanic Dance?

    It works well as far as I can tell, and ISD also adds some nice items to the game for these kits as well.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    UOLegacy said:

    I loved this kit thus far until I ran into a problem (on my side) leveling up to level five. I was unable to choose any more shaman spells (incompatible magic spheres) because there were only three to choose from, and had a stuck screen.

    [EDIT] I'm positive it must have something to do with the sphere system (DoF, FaP, etc...). I'm not positive at to how difficult it would be to workaround this as the author(s).

    Just tested and it is an issue with DoF. I'll address it as soon as possible, sorry.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    UOLegacy said:

    I loved this kit thus far until I ran into a problem (on my side) leveling up to level five. I was unable to choose any more shaman spells (incompatible magic spheres) because there were only three to choose from, and had a stuck screen.

    [EDIT] I'm positive it must have something to do with the sphere system (DoF, FaP, etc...). I'm not positive at to how difficult it would be to workaround this as the author(s).

    Kits need to be enabled by the mod author to be compatible with FnP's sphere system. Its was made to be easy to do so, but it is an extra step for the mod's author.
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    Raduziel said:

    Just tested and it is an issue with DoF. I'll address it as soon as possible, sorry.
    Thank you. Looking forward to hearing about the update.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Shame on me! It exists for almost a month and still was not in my shamanic collection!

    Many thanks for the mod, Artemius!
  • ss7877ss7877 Member Posts: 49
    edited October 2018
    Thanks for the mod, but "Warhorn Shaman may not cast shaman-exclusive spells".
    Shaman without shaman-exclusive spells?

    Is it a principal design decision for this mod?

  • FredBluesFredBlues Member Posts: 9
    I really want to try this character for my first caster in any game, including my other favorite game which we won't mention here. I have played Paladins with limited casting, but never a full blown caster. Playing just on the rules based level should be fine, not any insane levels. I am still trying to decide, this or Dragon Disciple.
  • Josh_in_da_PhJosh_in_da_Ph Member Posts: 1
    Hi @TheArtisan

    First off, great mod. Was able to realize my norseman summoner role play.

    My question is related to modding in general if that's alright.

    So I was tinkering around your mod witg ee keeper and near infinity. I wanted to change the name the "Spirit Archer" to something else. I seemingly was able to track down the name in the lib folder written in the WarShaman.tpa file.

    I changed the text there from "Spirit Archer" to "Spirit Ranger," but I encountered a fatal error while installing the mod. Reverting the text back to "Spirit Archer" made it able to be installed again.

    Asking for help because I'm changing the roles of the summons for my own playthrough. Hope you can help.

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