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The new is here!

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
edited May 2018 in News


  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2018
    Greetings Beamdog NWN Community,

    As enthused as I am about the launch of the new site and the sale that's going on, I'm afraid there is a technical issue preventing me from purchasing Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Digital Deluxe. I have downloaded and installed the latest Beamdog Client software, and I am able to log into my account. However, I am unable to see my account info, nor can I see the contents of my cart no matter how many times I click to add the game to it. For all I know, there could be over 10 copies of NWN:EE DD sitting in my cart for me to finish buying. Can someone please help, advise, or at least look into this issue? Thank you for reading and happy gaming to all.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Hello, @Prince_Raymond . Have you tried to load the site in another browser?
    If it doesn't work, please send a message to
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 145
    Just dl-ed Dragonspear from that new site yay.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    What happened to the Beamblog? leads to an empty page.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286

    What happened to the Beamblog? leads to an empty page.

    to me it seems to be working.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 460
    Hello, @JuliusBorisov . I have already submitted a ticket at I will try loading the page on another browser to see if that works. Btw, the Beamblog seems to be working for me as well.
  • DM_DjinnDM_Djinn Member Posts: 112
    Love the new site; as we say it "pops"

    I noticed the issue viewing game keys from the latest version of Google Chrome, I was able to view my game keys under Internet Explorer. I hope this helps @Prince_Raymond @JuliusBorisov
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2018
    DM_Djinn said:

    Love the new site; as we say it "pops"

    I noticed the issue viewing game keys from the latest version of Google Chrome, I was able to view my game keys under Internet Explorer. I hope this helps @Prince_Raymond @JuliusBorisov

    That's very interesting considering that my issues happened while trying to navigate using Internet Explorer. I could only sign in through the blog portion of the website, yet I couldn't sign out. Whenever I clicked on "Account", it would re-direct me to the Sign In page for me to re-enter my account information before continuing to my dashboard. If at any time I had visited the page of the game I wished to purchase before trying to view my dashboard, I would be locked in a perpetual loop of signing in and getting re-directed to that game's web page. One time, I was able to see all the the orders I had created for the same game for all the times I had added it to my cart. They were listed as "In Progress", but like a fool I decided to empty my cart instead of just removing all but the most recent order one at a time. This led me to being unable to finish buying the game using my current browser. So, I just downloaded and installed Google Chrome, and on the very first run through this site on that browser I was able to complete both the ordering and installation process of NWN:EE Digital Deluxe. (Yee-MF'n-hah!) Needless to say, currently doesn't seem at all compliant with Internet Explorer. Hope at least someone finds my little narrative helpful. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Ever wanted to get news on our titles and promotions as soon as it is live?

    Sign up to our newsletter (coming with our all-new website)!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Those who have signed up to our newsletter and still haven't got anything to their mailbox, please PM me.
  • TorgrimmerTorgrimmer Member Posts: 331
    Sweet, dwarf heaven, hic
  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
    Ooooh nice \o
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