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In need of role-players for great PW

The PW is Argentum Regio , and it is found in NWN:EE. I believe it still has the old NWN version running too, but ... meh , EE is the way to go.
It's still in Beta , but don't let that fool you at all ... "beta" stage is actually listening and implementing ideas, and smoothing out the rough edges of an already DRASTICALLY different, but great server!

There are sooooooo MANY features, I couldn't begin to list them all.
Secrets are plentiful and abound in the Custom Realm.

Now here's the kicker ... it's more like Pen and Paper style , than it is a Videogame MMo ...
There are systems upon custom systems included in the server. Subraces, some need Dm approval ... but for good reasons, and the main DM Oda, he's nice and would let anyone try anything I bet.

Characters can customize looks . They can also climb, jump, swim , swing on rope-to-rope crossing ... get literally "painted" by paint splatter traps , ... find the right stuff, you can FLY ... over ravines, turn into a pixie and you can fly right through doors with bars on them, or if you are small enough ( like halflings) squeeze into tight places, almost no one larger can access ...
City life ... Rogues, you aren't LIMITED to measily Pick Pocketing and sneak attacks ... with the immersion tools, you can climb up trees, climb in windows, peek out windows ( to different areas) , literally HIDE IN A CRATE wait for guards to pass by, or merchants to go to bed. Rob em blind, then go fence your "goods" for profit and XP!

spellcasters ... you get to actually SCRY , have 100s of CUSTOM spells ... not nerfed NWN spells, but 100s of actual custom spells, you cast! You can research power magics, enchant items , discover lore that will lead to discoveries of more magical goodnesss than you can shake a stick at!

Now "adventuring" ... there's a bit o fa learning curve on the PW ... , it's not a "lead you by the nose" or follow the path of goblin, to bugbear, to Orcs caves ... every map filled with over-powered monsters, immune to over half the crap you get by items/feats ...
Sometimes, you must look ... and look hard , pay attention to things ... to find lairs and "dungeons" ... other times, places are right under your feet.

An introductory course is included in the PW , that will basically give you the BARE Basics of the extra systems ... but by FAR does not or could not cover everything! So much is left to the players to discover, and enjoy it when something finally clicks, or gets accomplished!

It' s only "down-point right now ... not enough players. Not enough players to keep what players are there now, from having to solo, and lacking role-play and interaction. Thats why I am posting this though, attempts to gain us some players!

I have several low level characters, ranging from goodies, to evils ... differening classes ... I will absolutely RP with anyone at any time.
I like a mix of RP along with DOING things, and just times of sitting around RP-ing as well.

Pure action junkies, aren't going to like the server because it' s not ALL about combat and every area set up for combat, looting, and rewarding yourself by selling it or hording it ...
It is about exploration, interaction with players , expanding tales and stories ... even going off Dm infused clues, hints, plots, and adventures as well.

Progression is ... decent. If you stay in your level range/ECL range ... things can get too "easy" for your level, and drop XP awards to 1 xp ... but in that level range ... hahaha, it's good xp!

Monsters are "redone" with PnP mechaincs included. Trolls regen, thier bits you chop off regen, ... fire or acid will stop it, but tally too long, another troll will "grow" from the parts.
Vampires ... it isn't enough to beat them down , you have to steak them in the heart once they are down. Or find thier coffin and destroy it. Careful though, you CAN get infected by vampirism, or Lycan diseases ...
Goblins are weak ... but they swarm you, hunt in large packs ... kinda realistic in many ways.

Wild magic in areas, can make something like slaying a few goblins , into OMG my spell just turned it into .... ???

random monster encounters in places , based off old school DnD random generation rules ...
Some encounters are dependant on moon phases, some if it' sdark or daylight, if weather is hot or cold ... raining or not raining ...

Plenty of inns/taverns ... magical transportation, horses ... all th ebells an dwistles needed to fully immerse yourself into your characters, and the realm.

Players are few, but frindly, and the best scripters, programmers, designers, and DM anyone could ever desire.

Come play on Argentum Regio with us, I especially desire more players to RP with and share the realm with as well!


  • KendaricKendaric Member Posts: 9
    What is the setting like?

    Is it high or low magic? High fantasy (like many of the D&D campaign settings) or more like dark fantasy (e.g. Warhammer) or even low fantasy (like Song of Ice & Fire/GoT)?
  • BenevolentDevilBenevolentDevil Member Posts: 13
    Not sure exactly how to answer that question.
    It could be considered low magic ... but , it's not. You aren't going to run to a merchant and find +10 swords of ever destruction ... , but if you find the right things , you can enchant some really nice stuff.
    I've found items, that are ... nice. As in do some nice things, scripted in.

    In many ways, what it is ... equals what you kinda put into it and do.

    It's unlike any other PW out there , very hard to compare.

    I would say it's more borderline Medium to High fantasy if I really had to pick a description.
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    Medium to high magic (it varies a bit, better stuff available to higher level PCs). The setting is similar to early medieval Europe, it is a land re-newing itself after a long absence of the empire that once conquered these lands. The struggle left behind some bad blood, and some intrigues, and some scars. Any specific details interest you, just ask. :D
  • BenevolentDevilBenevolentDevil Member Posts: 13
    Hahaha, a bump here + Additions ...

    I play ALL the time, almost everyday, and sometimes GM Oda, the generous dwarf god he can be, can whap me with some most excellent content included, you wouldn't expect!

    -He's got crates, you can climb into. Players can take the crate, and "deliver" your characters in, you could use it for infiltration .. or a "trojan horse" thing.

    - Npcs WILL listen in on your convos, and additional content/rumors are generated from this. This is great, so when new players come in, talking to NPcs, they can get tid bits of info on your current doings, or things talked about ...

    - you can get direct "infection" via certain monsters ... Lycanthropy, many versions of it, and Vampirism included, ... complete with extra abilities, special abilities, bonuses and also the "cons" of such as well. I do not do such justice speaking on it, but it's complete, and friken AMAZINGLY scripted/implemented.

    - Not opposed to playing monster, or non-standard races too. Some might require some Dm approval, for Good reasons.

    - There are places, hidden with-in places ... , pay attention to things: Predators and races need basics too, good hunting grounds, breeding grounds, water supply , most dangerous-dangerous places, are not sitting up next to a city full of guards and a standing army ...
    You won't find a Goblin cave at low level to go explore, right outside gate number one of the city ... but there are goblin caves I assure you!

    _ I'm a player, that tries to help provide Immersion , You can ask me anything, and I'll let ya know things If I know them in an OOC manner or Tell , but ... I do try to give info In game, as Characters would know or discover, hint around to see if ya catch on first, if not ... no worries, we like sharing .... cause the more things you know you can do, the better it gets!!!

    - we gain more players, we will gain more DMs, means more , more, more ..stories, content, plots, quest, adventures ...

    So what are ya'll waiting for?

    Come Join us!

    Direct Connect IP:

    ( then save it to your favorites!!! )
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    edited October 2018

    *much blushing*

    Our very exuberant Benevolent Devil is correct in all the above - except the IP. The server IP is ... this is Argentum Regio, the City of Dohral module. It is a magical land where vampires shun the sun and sleep in coffins, lycanthropes are triggered by the moon phases and are poisoned by silver, and the TINY creatures can slip through grates and portcullis without opening them first.

    You are all welcome to come explore our vast server (1337+ areas) and deluxe RP-enhancing systems. I hope to meet you on the server sometime soon.

    More info on our wiki

    Be well. Game ON!

  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 141
    GM_ODA wrote: »
    Our very exuberant Benevolent Devil is correct in all the above - except the IP. The server IP is ... this is Argentum Regio, the City of Dohral module. It is a magical land where vampires shun the sun and sleep in coffins, lycanthropes are triggered by the moon phases and are poisoned by silver, and the TINY creatures can slip through grates and portcullis without opening them first.

    You are all welcome to come explore our vast server (1337+ areas) and deluxe RP-enhancing systems. I hope to meet you on the server sometime soon.
    I gather it is simply named Argentium in the server list on the NWN PW internet game list?

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