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(BG1) Dradeel's story

WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
edited November 2012 in Fixed
If you talk to Dradeel, you can then discuss his story with Kaishas. However, you can do this even if you immediately exited the dialogue with Dradeel and never got to hear his story. This inconsistency can be prevented by having Dradeel set a variable upon regaling the player with tales of his adventures, and only making the appropriate dialogue with Kaishas available if this variable is set.
<<<<<<<< .../fl/werewolf.d ADD_TRANS_ACTION dradee BEGIN 21 END BEGIN 0 END ~SetGlobal("OHDradeelInfo","GLOBAL",1)~ ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER kaish 20 ~Global("OHDradeelInfo","GLOBAL",1)~ DO 2 >>>>>>>> COMPILE ".../fl/werewolf.d"

Bug originally found and fixed in BGT.
Post edited by Tanthalas on


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